Vincenzo Malinconico, a successful figure of fiction-

by time news
from Aldo Grasso

It was not easy to transpose Diego De Silva’s pop prose into an image: good Massimiliano Gallo, but also director, screenwriters and supporting actors

The figure of the lawyer Vincenzo Malinconico one of the most successful of the recent production of the Rai fiction. It was not easy to transpose Diego De Silva’s pop prose into an image, with all those nuances, those references, that charge of bitter irony that was able to give life to a precarious character struggling with the precariousness of life: family, professional, economic, in short, existential.

Bravo Massimiliano Gallo (son of art, his father was the singer Nunzio), good scriptwriters, good supporting actors, good director Alessandro Angelini. Casually distracted by his thoughts, by his hallucinations (he even has a meeting with Carlo Masserini, Mister Fantasy), by his insecurities, in the first episode of the series Vincenzo Malinconico, unsuccessful lawyer (Rai1) is called ex officio to defend a certain Mimmo ‘O Burzone, a squalid Camorra butcher who is accused of tearing up uncomfortable corpses and disposing of them with deep-rooted nonchalance. In reality, Melancholy who must defend himself from his (our) inadequacy of him.

Sometimes it is not enough to avoid the dangers, embellish them with reflections that seem philosophical to us, abandon oneself to the great themes in order to escape the everyday ones, take refuge in irony: I have a son who has a fixed interest in criminology. But go, do a c … to me that I introduced him to Saviano. The most interesting aspect is that fiction manages not to disperse the rhetorical artifice of the stream of consciousness, which allows Malinconico both to reflect on his actions, by fatally joining the undecided club, and to be fooled by the things that captain.

This is why it always appears out of place, especially in court; for this he suffers from a morphosyntactic disorder (when we have difficulty organizing the sentence structure and invert the words); for this reason, when he decides to challenge his fate, he preferably finds the bad one.

October 20, 2022 (change October 20, 2022 | 20:27)

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