Vinícius has not called me a racist – The penultimate Raulista alive

by time news

2023-05-25 17:33:58

Vinicius has not called me a racist. As a result of the affair between Juan Cala and Diakhaby, in which the latter invented that the former had called him a black shit, a guy with problems in a white coat called Fonsi Loaiza called me a racist. Also, and regarding the same matter, a billboard called El Plural and directed by a little podemita called Angélica Rubio called me a racist. And he called me a racist another libel called Later, when it was shown that Juan Cala had not said anything and that everything was an invention of the Valencia footballer, neither the guy with problems in a white coat, nor the leaflet nor the libel rectified. It doesn’t matter, of course, the same to me: they will continue to have the worst opinion of me and I am happy that it is so because, conversely, I also have the worst possible opinion of them. What I limited myself to doing with Cala was defending the presumption of innocence, which the communists have the bad habit of ignoring. But, I insist, Vinicius has not called me a racist, nor has Spain been called, by the way.

What Vinicius said was exactly the following: “In Brazil, Spain is known as a country of racists.” And that is true. If you go to Salvador de Bahía, Fortaleza, Recife or Manaus today, it is most likely that if you say you are Spanish they will ask you what problem we have with blacks in Spain. Unfortunately, right now, and not only in Brazil, as Vinicius said the other day, Spain is known as a country of racists. I’m saying all this because I’m beginning to sniff out what the next step will be for those who want to destroy this boy, and it won’t be any other than to confront an entire country with him. If Real Madrid can still be considered a Spanish club and the Santiago Bernabéu stadium as a Spanish soccer field, the image will corroborate in Brazil that Spain is not racist, that Vinicius was honored yesterday, that he is loved here and that whoever he hates him is mainly because he wears the shirt of the best sports club in history and, in Spain, the best are hated, and even more so if they are Spanish.

But, I insist, Vinicius did not call me a racist the other day, other idiots called me because I vote for VOX, and they call me such demeaning things on a daily basis. A few hours ago the United States Department of State, through its spokesman, Mathew Miller, pointed out that the Biden Administration condemns racism and has spoken expressly about Vinicius Junior, and that is so because if you walk through Boston right now , San Diego, Seattle or Dallas and you say you are Spanish, they will also ask you what problem we have in Spain with people of color. But Vinicius is not to blame for this, it is the fault of those who have been yelling at him for five years, monkey, black shit or macaco without anyone here doing anything or moving a finger. I say this, more than anything, because I am beginning to fear that the victim will end up being criminalized to end up sanctifying the offender, who is the one who uttered racist insults against Vinicius.

It is not bad that Javier Tebas asks for forgiveness. Or is it? Is it wrong to ask for forgiveness when one is wrong? I don’t know, it’s still wrong, huh? The other day, addressing the player on Twitter as soon as the xenophobic coven at Mestalla ended, the president of the League criticized the boy instead of defending him. I believe that Thebes does not ask for forgiveness because he thinks he has made a mistake, but because he is genuinely terrified that the business will blow up, for that reason he apologizes. This is as true as today, and again through Twitter, the president of the League has put his katiuskas back on and, taking advantage of an article by Relaño in As, has dropped that Real Madrid was not interested in the matter of racism, which Thebes did care about. In the end, the madridistas are going to have to thank the League for spending 5 years without lifting a finger in the face of racist insults to Vinicius. No, Thebes, no: Real Madrid is the victim, Vinicius is the victim and you are not San Javier.

We parody the problem, we ridicule it, if now, all of a sudden, after five years of inaction, we want it to go completely to nothing and it is forbidden to yell “fool!” in a field. or “cool!” or “silly!” It’s not okay to call someone “stupid,” but that’s not the same as “black shit.” Let’s be less ambitious, we don’t want to turn Spanish football stadiums into the Teatro Real now. As long as all this helps people stop calling a footballer on a Spanish football field “monkey”, “orangutan” or “black shit”, I’ll be satisfied. I am very pessimistic about that happening but what Vinicius has done has been to stir up the hornet’s nest, and that is always good. Let’s first prevent the wasps from going around stinging at will and, when we have succeeded, let’s go after the bees, mosquitoes and flies.

The case of Vinicius is special because I don’t remember a football player being marked with blood and fire as has happened with this boy. And if we really want to solve the problem, which I highly doubt, we have to be grateful for the visibility that Real Madrid and Vinicius offer. But do we want? I don’t think so, I don’t think we want to. We pretend to want He pretends to love Thebes because his sponsors are leaving him. He pretends to love Rubiales because FIFA has given him a touch and the World Cup slips away. Who is not pretending in any way is the peri-Valencianism, which definitely does not want to solve the problem. The sports journalists from Valencia and Valencia want Cala to be crucified for a racist insult that did not exist and they want the Che club not to be punished for some racist insults that did occur. And all because Morientes, Mc Manaman and Raúl did not agree to let Valencia win the European Cup and because Mijatovic decided to sign for the best. Too much horchata in vein.

#Vinícius #called #racist #penultimate #Raulista #alive

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