“Vinnerschkalle” Harald Eia (57): – We have had discussions about how bad I can be in the role

by time news

Harald Eia’s popular character “Oslolosen” was launched in the NRK program “Ut i vår hage 2” in 2008, and later also appeared in other NRK programs.

Now the character can be seen in the program “Vinnerschkalle” on TV 2, with, among others, Petter Northug.

Winners: Petter Northug and Harald Eia in character as “Oslolosen”. Photo: Espen Solli

– What I liked about the concept is that the “Oslolosen” should get the Norwegian people off the sofa and back to their old greatness. He is a self-proclaimed expert and he has a monopoly on the truth. There is a feeling in our time that we tolerate little, have become more squeamish, so it fit with the rage of the “Oslolos” over our time.

Sentimental and romantic

The program is led by Petter Northug, who through eight programs will guide the participants through demanding tasks, while the “Oslolosen” will contribute with a constant outside voice and strong opinions about what is required of a real winner’s skull.

THE OFFICE: Harald Eia sits in the office in Nydalen in Oslo and hatches new ideas for programs and podcasts. Photo: Jonas Been Henriksen / TV 2

Eia admits that he has experienced the entire range of emotions in the role of the hard-nosed Kjell Aronsen, as “Oslolosen” is actually called. And there is less screaming than normal when he now plays the part.

– Oslolosen’s main mode emotionally is that he is irritated and furious, but in “Vinnerschkalle” I get a little sentimental and happy for the people who are there. I have a little more emotion, also a little romantic, so there is not as much screaming as there usually is, says Eia.

– No racist

“Oslolosen” appears as a Gerhardsen follower who focuses on the hard life in Oslo in the past.

This assertive man with poise and certainty of his own excellence must also be moderated, Harald Eia tells TV 2.

IN THE THROAT: “Oslolosen” in the guise of Harald Eia unleashes on the “Vinnerschkalle” participants, from left: Magnus Midtbø, Isak Dreyer and Cecilie Maria Bolander. Photo: Espen Solli/TV 2

– We have had some discussions along the way about how bad I can be. The “Oslolosen” is not racist, and he is an innocent brat. In the midst of all his rawness, he doesn’t know much. We must not go too far with this character. Not because I’m afraid of stepping on someone’s toes, but because it doesn’t suit him too well to be controversial.

Nasty generation

In “Vinnerschkalle”, which was recorded at the Hudøy holiday colony last autumn, the “Oslolosen” claims that he sees a bunch of weaklings and cynics.

Eia does not think the younger generation has become more squeamish, and does not recognize the description that young people have become squeamish and lax.

Harald Eia is current with the new program Winner’s Skull. In this program he is in the character Oslolosen together with Petter Northug jr. Photo: Jonas Been Henriksen/TV 2

Eia believes that we humans are still well-rounded and good at coping with adversity.

– I think that people are quite adaptable, and young people today are not as lax and squeamish as many would like them to be, he says.

“Starstruck” by Oslolosen

Two of the participants in “Vinnerschkaller”, Solveig Gulbrandsen (43) and Jan Tore Kjær (55), both knew Oslolosen well from before. They were both a bit shocked at the start and had a tough encounter with Harald Eia’s role figure.

– I’m a big fan of Harald Eia and not least “Lillelördag”, so I was a little start-struck. Oslolosen is a strict guy and not always the same, so it was a tough meeting, says Gulbrandsen.

STARSTRUCKED: Harald Eia gets in Solveig Gulbrandsen’s face during a competition on Hudøy. Photo: Espen Solli/TV 2

Jan Tore Kjær adds:

– When I heard that Oslolosen was going to take part, I got goosebumps, he is legendary. It’s madness on TV, when he slanders people and tells them that it was much better in the old days, and he rants so much that it pours off him. It was an experience to be with Oslolosen, says Kjær to TV 2.

Missing Bård

It will soon be 30 years since the radar couple Harald Eia and Bård Tufte Johansen started working together at NRK.

The result was a string of Norwegian humorous moments. First with “Lille Lördag”, then with “Team Antonsen” and “Ut i vår hage”, where “Oslolosen” originates from.

GOOD FRIENDS: The presenters Harald Eia and Bård Tufte Johansen during the Brille launch on TV Norge. Photo: Vidar Ruud/Scanpix

– We are good friends. When I was going to do “Vinnerschkalle”, I sought advice from Bård on how I should do this. It’s fun to talk to him and he’s still very funny. When we started working together, I was an innocent type and a weirdo who had been locked in a room for 20 years. But now people know who I am and I can’t be naive and weird in the same way. We no longer have the innocent position, concludes Harald Eia.

“Vinnerschkalle” consists of eight episodes and you can watch the program on TV 2 Direkte, Tuesdays at 21.40 or on TV 2 Play.

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