Violence against women: Sandrine Rousseau says she received an accuser from Julien Bayou

by time news

One case chases the other… Green MP Sandrine Rousseau reported on France 5 on Monday that she had received a woman at her home accusing the national secretary of EELV Julien Bayou of “behaviour likely to break the moral health of women”.

Asked about the deputy for Paris, in an issue of the program “C à vous” devoted in part to domestic violence, which LFI deputy Adrien Quatennens confessed to on Sunday, Sandrine Rousseau replied: “I received at my house very long an ex-companion of Julien Bayou, I think that behaviors are likely to break the moral health of women. »

“There are obviously several of them, I only heard one testimony. A journalistic investigation seems to be underway, ”also added Sandrine Rousseau, without giving more information. And to tell: “At the time when I received this woman, she was in a very depressed state, she was very badly, she also made a suicide attempt a few weeks later. »

This story “is one of the questions that will come on the table” at the party, added Sandrine Rousseau. Asked whether she thought Julien Bayou needed to step back like Adrien Quatennens has just done at LFI, the MP replied: “We will see, step by step” (“everything in its time”).

“A story that ends in suffering”

Julien Bayou, who could not be reached immediately, assured Le Figaro in early July that he would be questioned by an internal party commission “as soon as possible on what in no way constitutes sexist or sexual violence or inappropriate behavior towards anyone”.

“Unfortunately, this is a story that ends in pain, and a break that comes with thinly veiled threats against me and a form of instrumentalization that I can only deplore,” he added. And Julien Bayou to evoke “a resentment that she does not hide since she clearly wrote to me, three days after having seized the internal commission of EELV: Worry. I will come back and strong. (…) The fall will be painful. »

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