Violence broke out again in Israel, with bombing attacks on Gaza and southern Lebanon

by time news

Two dead and five injured, some seriously, caused yesterday an attack in Tel Aviv, committed by a terrorist who attacked pesantes and was killed by the police.

According to the police, it was a “terrorist attack against civilians, hit by a car” and that “the terrorist was neutralized.” The fatal victim was a 30-year-old Italian tourist.

After the attack, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the mobilization of reservists from the police and the army.

“The prime minister has instructed the Israel Police to mobilize all reserve border police units and has ordered the IDF to mobilize additional forces to deal with the terror attacks,” said a statement from the Israel office. Netanyahu.

Israel is experiencing a new eruption of violence, with clashes between the army and Palestinian militants, bombings and rockets launched from Lebanon, which provoked a harsh response.

Two Israeli women were killed yesterday in an armed attack in the occupied West Bank after Israel bombarded the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon, amid an escalation of violence in the region.

The tension escalated after the intervention of the Israeli police on Wednesday in the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, coinciding with the Muslim Ramadan and Jewish Passover holidays.

Dozens of rockets were fired at Israel on Thursday, and early Friday the Israeli army responded with strikes in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip against positions of the Palestinian Hamas movement.

Yesterday, two Israeli sisters in their early twenties were killed in the West Bank and their mother wounded in a shooting attack on their car, reported Magen David Adom, Israel’s equivalent of the Red Cross.

The army specified that their vehicle was attacked at the Hamra crossing, in the north of the Jordan River Valley, in the West Bank, a Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967.

“Pay the price.” This attack came just hours after the Israeli army launched shelling attacks on Gaza and Lebanon against “terrorist infrastructure belonging to Hamas.”

In Tyre, in southern Lebanon, there were loud explosions. “At least two shells landed near the camp” of Rashidieh Palestinian refugees, one of them said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had warned of a firm reaction from Israel. “We will hit our enemies and we will make them pay the price of each aggression,” he assured.

On Thursday, on Passover day, around thirty rockets were fired at Israel from Lebanon, in the biggest escalation since 2006 on the border between these two countries, which are technically still at war after several conflicts.

Since April 2022, no rockets have been launched from Lebanon towards Israel, which then also carried out attacks against its neighbor. However, this is the most serious incident since the 2006 war against Hezbollah.

“The threats and intimidation of the Zionist leaders will not lead to anything,” said Naim Qasem, second in command of the Shiite movement that de facto controls southern Lebanon, yesterday. “The entire axis of resistance is on alert,” he added.

called. The Palestinian Hamas movement condemned “in the strongest possible terms the appalling Israeli aggression against the besieged Gaza Strip and Lebanon.” Hamas and Islamic Jihad informed Egypt – which usually acts as a mediator – that “the Palestinian factions are going to continue firing rockets if Israel continues its attacks and bombings,” sources from these groups in Gaza told the press.

The Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed that his country wants to preserve calm in the southern zone and called on the international community to “pressure Israel to stop the escalation.”

The head of the United Nations Interim Force (UNIF), General Aroldo Lázaro, spoke with authorities from both Israel and Lebanon and assured in a statement that “both sides have said they do not want war.” France reiterated “its unfailing attachment to the security of Israel and to the stability and sovereignty of Lebanon.” Russia urged “an end to the violence” and London called on “all parties” to “de-escalate”.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry denounced the “aggressive actions of the Zionist regime.”

These episodes occur after the violent eviction of Palestinian worshipers at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, which left 350 detainees according to the police and 37 injured according to the Red Crescent.

The temple is located in the Esplanade of the Mosques, the third holy place of Islam and located in turn in East Jerusalem, the Palestinian sector of the city occupied and annexed by Israel since 1967.

The complex is erected on top of the Temple Mount, considered the holiest place in Judaism. Israel received numerous international condemnations, including from the UN, whose Secretary General António Guterres once again called on “all actors” for “maximum restraint”.

The conflict with the Palestinians has been revived for a year


Tensions between Israelis and Palestinians rose to a level not seen in years after clashes on Wednesday between Israeli and Palestinian policemen at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

The outrage over the invasion of the Israeli forces in the third holiest place in Islam spread to the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, bombed on Friday by Israel in response to dozens of missiles fired the day before from the south of that country towards the Hebrew state.

These incidents capped a year of escalating violence.

Deadly attacks in Israel

The spiral began on March 22, 2022, when an ex-convict member of the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group stabbed to death four people and ran them over with a car in Beersheva, the main city in the Negev desert (southern Israel).

A group of armed civilians later fatally wounded the attacker.

A week later, a Palestinian from the occupied West Bank opened fire on passersby in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish town of Bnei Brak near Tel Aviv, killing five people, including an Israeli-Arab policeman.

Israeli raids on the West Bank

The Israeli army carried out more than 2,000 raids in the West Bank in 2022, most of them in Jenin and Nablus, located to the north of this enclave and where Palestinian armed groups are based.

On May 11, Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, star of the Qatari pan-Arab network Al Jazeera, was killed in an Israeli military operation while covering clashes in Jenin, sparking international outrage.

Five Palestinians were also killed on 25 October in an Israeli attack on the armed group Areen al-Usud in Nablus, while Israeli troops killed another five Palestinians in late November.

“Pre-emptive” operation in Gaza

The Israeli army launched an operation in Gaza, presented as “preventive”, against Islamic Jihad and killed the main leaders of this Islamist organization.

Up to 49 Palestinians were killed in three days of Israeli shelling and missile fire by Palestinians.

Spiral of violence at the beginning of 2023

A new spiral of violence began on January 26, 2023 with the death of ten Palestinians in an Israeli military raid on Jenin.

A Palestinian gunman responded by killing seven people near an East Jerusalem synagogue during Shabbat prayers. The attacker was shot down.

On February 6, the Israeli army killed five members of the Palestinian group Hamas in an operation in Jericho, in the West Bank.

Four days later, three Israelis, two of them were brothers aged 8 and 6, were killed in a car bomb attack in East Jerusalem.

On February 22, eleven Palestinians were killed in another raid on Nablus, to which Palestinian groups responded by launching missiles from the Gaza Strip.

Settlers loot a Palestinian town

Two young Israeli settlers were shot in the head on February 26 while driving near the Palestinian town of Huwara.

That same night, dozens of settlers entered the city, threw stones and set buildings and vehicles on fire.

Two weeks later, six Palestinians were killed in an attack by two Israeli settlers.

These almost daily clashes had caused up to 104 fatalities in early April, including 88 Palestinians, one Israeli Arab, fourteen Israelis and one Ukrainian, according to an AFP balance drawn from official Israeli and Palestinian sources.

Intervention in Al Aqsa and missiles from Lebanon

The tension escalated on April 5 with the intervention of the Israeli police in the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, coinciding with the Muslim Ramadan and Jewish Passover festivities.

About thirty rockets were launched the following day against Israeli territory from Lebanon.

The army of the Hebrew State responded early Friday with bombardments in southern Lebanon, carried out, according to Israeli sources, against three Hamas “infrastructures”.

It marked the first time Israel has confirmed an attack on Lebanese territory since April 2022.

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