Violent forest fires ravage mountains in the North, 500 families evacuated

by time news

Violent fires are underway in northern Morocco and are ravaging forests. Late Thursday, Moroccan firefighters and soldiers were trying to control several fires that progressed during the day in the isolated wooded provinces of Larache, Ouezzane, Tetouan and Taza, said Fouad Assali, director of the Climate Risk Management Center. (CRCF).

No human casualties are currently to be deplored, but in Larache and Taza, nearly 500 families have been evacuated “as a preventive measure”. In stifling heat, well above 40 degrees, surprised by the speed of the fire’s progression, villagers hastily left their homes, bringing with them cattle and horses when possible. A small village in the Ksar El Kebir region was completely destroyed by the flames.

Already a thousand hectares of forest gone up in smoke

“Efforts are continuing in the hope of bringing these fires under control in the next few hours,” Fouad Assali was quoted by the MAP news agency as saying. Four Canadair water bombers from the army, four others for agricultural spreading, hundreds of elements from Civil Protection, Waters and Forests, the Royal Armed Forces (FAR) and the Gendarmerie, assisted by local volunteers , participate in the fight against fire.

In total, at least a thousand hectares of forest (oaks, pines and other conifers, fruit trees) have been ravaged since Wednesday evening in the provinces of Larache, Ouezzane and Taza, according to local authorities.

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