Violent vaccination reaction – Prussia’s Pulido attacks with caution! – Soccer

by time news

In addition to Gerrit Wegkamp (28 / broken toe) and Jules Schwadorf (28 / after a torn tendon), Manuel Farrona Pulido (28) started preparing for the rest of the second half of the season with the handbrake on at the regional league team. However, not because he is tormented by an injury …

Violent reaction to vaccination. Prussia’s Pulido attacks with caution!

Reason for his reluctance: Immediately after the last league game before the Christmas break against Gladbach II (18.12./1:1) the offensive player was boosted. Not really a big deal, especially since he had had no problems with the previous vaccinations.

This time, however, his body showed a rare reaction. Farrona Pulido says: “Suddenly the lymph nodes under my left upper arm swelled up and I had a big egg in my armpit. Associated with a pull that slowly shifted into the chest over the next few days. “

Not particularly painful, just an uncomfortable feeling that he dragged with him on vacation.

The ex-Rostock spent that – in September he switched from Hansa to the Adlerclub (contract until 2023 plus option) – in his home town of Hamburg over the holidays. Before he then flew to Fuerteventura for six days with his partner Laura and their offspring as well as some friends. Switch off, soak up the sun and talk a little the local language. Farrona Pulido, whose dad is Spanish: “Everything was relaxed and relaxing. Only the persistent swelling worried me slightly. “

Photo: firo Sportphoto / Jan Fromme

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Manuel Farrona Pulido (left), here with Henok Teklab, like almost all Prussian professionals, has already been twice vaccinated and boostedPhoto: firo Sportphoto / Jan Fromme

But team doctor Dr. Take Tim Hartwig (45) immediately after his return to Münster. The thorough examination before the start of the training showed: heart, lungs, circulation – everything was fine. The Prussian professional (13 league appearances / 2 goals / 2 assists) makes it easier: “The tension in the arm and chest is also slowly easing.”

Nevertheless, he doesn’t want to go full throttle straight away, but rather listen carefully to his body. Everything in consultation with head coach Sascha Hildmann (49). The left wing runabout: “As long as I feel a slight pull under heavy load, I will reduce my speed as a precaution and not rush anything. But I am confident that I will be able to fully participate in the test in Duisburg on Saturday. “

Well then – fire at will …


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