Vip’s eyes fill up when asked if he has eaten; Priya winced before her son’s question

by time news

It has been raining continuously for four or five days. The son’s eyes fill up when he asks if he has eaten.

• Priya and her son Vipin in front of the plastic shed

Kanhangad: ‘Mom, what can I do so that my book doesn’t get wet…’ Priya is cringing at the question of her fifth grade son VIP. There is a room with half wall and rest plastic sheet. Half of the roof is plastic sheet. Through this water reaches the nook and corner of the room. The book gets wet wherever it is placed. All the clothes and things are piled up. There is not even a place for the umbrella to be open. Mother and son have lived in this house for many years.

This plastic kura is in Kanhangad Ittammal Chaliyam Nail area. Adjacent to one room there is a kitchen that hides straw and other things, and one can barely stand. When it rains, water also enters the kitchen. If you make food, eat it. Otherwise, all this will be lost in the water.

It has been raining continuously for four or five days. The son’s eyes fill up when he asks if he has eaten. Kanhangad Melangkot AC Kannan Nair Memorial Govt. U.P. Vipin studies in school. ‘Even if you don’t eat or drink, Sarula, you just need a place where it doesn’t get wet from the rain. I haven’t slept since it rained. Oh God, I can’t even intervene. Priya says where to go with my son.

Content Highlights: Homeless mother and son in Kanhangad

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1 comment

Amala Jose July 11, 2022 - 8:40 am

Can i have the contact of this Priya. I would like to help her. I am also a Keralite living abroad. Came across this news and would like to lend a helping hand.

Amala Mary Jose


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