Viral and Shocking Incident: Police in Brazil rescued a woman buried alive in a grave The woman’s cry at the grave; When the police reached the spot, they saw a shocking incident

by time news

The woman’s voice from the grave, if we have the experience of hearing it, anyone will be afraid of anything. An incident that happened in Brazil the other day will shock us all. The incident took place in Visconte Rio Branco, Brazil. A woman was sealed alive in a tomb by someone. After the woman screamed, the police reached the spot and rescued the woman.

A 36-year-old woman was locked alive in the graveyard by someone. Those who were digging in the cemetery saw the sight out of habit. A new tomb is built with bricks and cement. They became suspicious when they saw blood stains nearby. They immediately informed the nearest police.

When the police reached the spot after getting the information, the woman’s cries for help were heard outside. After this, the police opened the grave and took out the woman. The police immediately provided the necessary medical assistance to the woman. After this, the woman revealed some shocking things.

The woman said she was dragged to the cemetery after being attacked by two masked men. The woman says that she was buried alive in the grave. Meanwhile, the police say that the woman is addicted to drugs. The police suspect that the incident resulted in a fight between the group that was giving them drugs.

Reports are coming out that the accused have been identified but have not been arrested yet. The injured woman is currently undergoing treatment at the hospital. The police has also issued a statement after the incident. The place where the incident took place has been partially cordoned off and security has been increased here. The police say that the violence of drug users is increasing here.

Meanwhile, the woman spent several hours in this grave. If the cemetery staff hadn’t noticed this, death was certain. Meanwhile, an 800-year-old mummy was found in the bag of a young food delivery man in South America a month ago. He kept the mummy in his bag saying that it was his spiritual girlfriend. This was great news.

In Puno, Peru, the police saw this shocking scene when they were checking a drunken young man. This young man’s name was Julius Caesar. His mother’s name was Juanita. The young man had told the police that Juanita used to sleep with him at home. The police were shocked to hear what the young man revealed.

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