Viral hepatitis: Try to prevent them!

by time news

2023-07-28 09:15:28

Wash your hands well, do not share clinical material, protect yourself during sexual relations… These are some of the tips that specialists insist on on World Hepatitis Day to improve its prevention

July 28, World Hepatitis Day.

The Spanish Society of Digestive Pathology (SEPD) has compiled the latest data on the strains of the disease and has explained the main problems that Spain faces in terms of its prevention and treatment.

Likewise, a group of associations, promoted by the National Federation of Liver Transplants (FNETH) and the NGO Apoyo PositivoHe has launched a campaign called “Your health in the suitcase” to make the population aware of the enormous importance of preventing any strain of the disease.

Viral hepatitis

Las viral hepatitisas SEPD specialists affirm, usually causes the inflammation of the liver and lead to serious health problems. Las The main strains of this disease are type A, B, C, D and E..

In addition to liver problems, the World Health Organization (WHO) warning that they can trigger more serious health complications. Thus, they estimate that up to 78% of primary liver cancer cases and 57% of liver cirrhosis cases are due to viral hepatitis infectionsgenerally of types B and C.

Currently, the cases of viral hepatitis (types B and C) that occur each year reach a million and a half infections, according to the WHO. This is why the organization has developed a strategy against the disease that seeks to reduce new infections by 90% and deaths by 65% ​​by the year 2030.

However, even though these three most common types of viral hepatitis are transmitted in the same way –parenterally or through risky sexual intercourseThey are different and have different consequences.

Viral hepatitis is transmitted parenterally or through risky sexual intercourse. EFE / Pablo Moraga

Hepatitis B, a great impact

Hepatitis B is one of the most common types of viral hepatitis in the population and with the greatest impactsince it is estimated that there about 250 million people infected in the world. This disease is characterized by causing a acute or chronic picture if it is not detected in time, so experts recommend performing screenings, especially techniques of screeningmore frequently.

there is a vaccine in Spain for about 30 years for this diseaseso most patients have a average between 30 and 40 years.

Reactivation alert!

Patients who have had or have hepatitis B are susceptible to suffer a reactivation of the pathology if they undergo certain treatments. drugs like immunosuppressants, immunomodulators or chemotherapeuticsare some of those that can cause it.

Professionals recommend performing a diagnostic screening test using serology before undergoing any treatment to avoid complications.

Carrying out a screening is essential to avoid the reactivation of hepatitis B. EFE/Javier Cebollada

Hepatitis C

Type C viral hepatitis can present a acute or chronic picture. It has between 40 and 60 million patients worldwide.

This pathology can lead serious extrahepatic complicationsas diabetes mellitus, increased vascular risk, or cryoglobulinemic vasculitis.

Spain, leader in elimination of hepatitis C

Thanks to a strategic plan against hepatitis C, Spain has become the leading country in the world in eliminating the disease. Through the implantation of regional and state measures, it has been achieved that the prevalence of virus C is between 3 and 4 times lower than that of virus B.

However, SEPD experts explain that there are still three pending tasks to achieve the complete elimination of the disease:

Universal screening.

Comprehensive diagnosis.

Elimination programs in vulnerable populations.

Hepatitis D, an emerging problem

Hepatitis D is the most serious manifestation of viral hepatitis, since its infection can cause serious liver problems. Likewise, it is the most unique type of diseasesince to carry out his replication cycle, the HCV virus requires an external coat of type B.

It is estimated that about 5% of hepatitis B patientsThey also have this type.

In addition, as indicated by the SEPDcurrently so it can only be treated in Spain with interferon. This drug has many contraindications, for which we continue to work on various Pharmacological advances that are, for the moment, highly effective against the disease.

“We must be aware that hepatitis D is still underdiagnosed in Spain, because there are still patients infected with this disease in our country who we do not know are infected because screening is not done. For all this, the autonomous communities must have the necessary tools to implement the diagnosis in a single step ”, they explain from this medical society.

A serology test can help diagnose the disease. EFE / Eliseo Trigo.

Take “your health in the suitcase” against viral hepatitis

For make the population aware of the risks of contracting this diseasea group of associations has launched a project called “Your health in the suitcase”.

This is a campaign promoted by the National Federation of Liver Transplant Patients FNETH and the NGO Apoyo Positivo, with the scientific endorsement of the Alliance for the Elimination of Viral Hepatitis (AEHVE) and the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (AEEH)as well as the sponsorship of the laboratories Gilead y Abbvie.

What does it consist of?

The campaign takes place today, World Day, from 6:00 to 0:00, in the main Spanish train stations. The workers of these places will greet the people who start their vacations with the notice of the importance of preventing hepatitis through good practices.

They will remember that each of the types of hepatitis (A, B, C and D), carries a different riskas well as It also varies its form of contagion.

Some of the main recommendations of the campaign are:

Good hygiene habits should be maintained, such as good hand washing.

It is very important to wash food well before eating it.

Search for a preventive physical barrier in sexual practices.

Avoid drug use, especially injected ones.

Never share clinical material.

Perform diagnostic tests in case of suspicion of suffering from the disease.

If positive, make sure you receive medical treatment.

Get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B.

Image of the campaign “Your health in the suitcase”. Poster provided by the AEEH
#Viral #hepatitis #prevent

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