VIRAL VIDEO | Two Venezuelans bundle her up on TikTok with her criticism of the Spanish: “They smell like onions and they don’t know how to dance”

by time news

“Things we don’t like about living in Spain”. This is the title of the discord video. Two young Venezuelan women who upload videos to TikTok They decided to tell in a video everything they don’t like about living in Spain, their current place of residence. They both live in Galicia and the things they hate seem to outweigh the things they like. They criticize the smell of the Spaniards, say they don’t know how to dance and are surprised at how much they drink.

“They smell horrible. Not everyone, but it’s all too common. To violin, to smelly armpit. They smell bad. I do not understand why, because here there is water, there is shampoo, there is soap And there’s deodorant. They smell of onion, it’s horrible,” they comment.

They don’t know how to dance. You put a bachata on them and they dance a reggaeton, you put a reggaeton on them and they start dancing a badly danced merengue,” they continue.

They also have something to say about leisure. They criticize that on Sundays everything is closed and there is nothing to do. As for the party, they are surprised at how much is drunk in Spain. “They smoke and drink (drink) a lot. Before entering a disco, people are already vomiting. You go to a disco and the most normal thing in the world is to see people vomiting and for them this is super normal.”

The video has generated all kinds of criticism. There are many people who reproach them for their words about the Spanish and ask them if Caracas smells like flowers. The words of the Venezuelans have caused such a stir that they have closed the TikTok profile from which they uploaded a video with the “Things we don’t like about living in Spain”.

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