Virologist reveals research shows male coronavirus cases are more severe than females

by time news

‘ Dr. Anan’ reveals research found that male covid patients have more severe symptoms than women have testosterone hormone that helps the virus to enter cells well. There is a higher ratio of neutrophil white blood cells that cause severe pneumonia.

29 April 2022 – Dr. Anan Chongkaewwatana, virologist Director of Animal Health and Management Innovation Research Group National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Bio-Tech), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) posted on Facebook that

COVID-19 patient information Those with severe symptoms were more likely to be males than females. Especially the elderly men are more likely to be infected with coronavirus and have more severe symptoms than other age groups. This observation has been researched to find an explanation for many pieces. which supports such observations An article published in the journal Immunology sums it up quite interestingly.

Men have hormones called Androgens, consisting of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. in high quantity While females have higher levels of estrogen and progesterone than men. This hormonal difference was found to have a direct effect on the ability to infect SARS-CoV-2, with testosterone influencing the expression of protein (TMPRSS2) that allows the virus to enter cells.

While estrogen in women does not help the virus enter the cells better. It can also stimulate inhibition of ACE2 protein, a key receptor protein for viral entry into cells. This makes important organs of men such as the lungs and heart have a higher expression of ACE2 than women. Interestingly, estrogen has also been found to play a key role in the production of a protein called TLR7 that detects viral infections more quickly and well, resulting in a better response to infection than men. The chance that the virus will multiply after it enters the body is slower.

Men also had a higher ratio of neutrophil white blood cells, which are the main culprits for severe pneumonia in coronavirus patients. There are fewer white blood cells, whether it’s B cells or T cells, than women. Overall, nature provides women with more defense mechanisms against SARS-CoV-2 infection than men on many levels.

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