” virologists on TV? Bassetti the most ‘piacione’, the only one to admit narcissism ”

by time news

Have virologists become real tv stars? ” is a phenomenon that intrigued me a lot. So I got the idea of ​​taking the most piacione of all (Matteo Bassetti, ed) and I must say that it has not betrayed the expectations and as an intelligent man he said: ‘Sure, I like and pride myself on it’, acknowledging what his colleagues would never have the courage to admit and that is that television is a siren whose singing is very difficult to resist

re”. So at the Adnkronos the director of ‘Chi’ Alfonso Signorini who dedicated the cover of his weekly to the director of the infectious disease clinic of the San Martino polyclinic in Genoa, the virologist Matteo Bassetti. “Since the pandemic began, virologists have violently entered our homes and have now become familiar faces like Bonolis but in fact we don’t know anything about them – he explains – Bassetti accepted immediately and with great pleasure to do the interview with us, I had no doubts. At least he had the intellectual honesty to admit his narcissism. There is no one who is chained in front of the song of this siren (the tv, ed) – emphasizes the director of ‘Chi’ – everyone wants to go there, from the most intellectual to those who pretend not to love her simply because they have not been invited . The real problem – continues Signorini – as Bassetti himself admits, is what will happen when the pandemic ends. Since he (Bassetti, ed) says he is a great lover of pop music and tells that Gino Paoli made up the soundtrack of his life at this point severybody a band with Galli, Bassetti and all the virologists who sing a song dedicated to Covid. CAs a vocalist I see Angela from Mondello (in the registry office Angela Chianello, who became famous for the phrase ‘there is none Coviddi’) – he concludes bursting into laughter – it would be a real triumph ”.

(at Alisa Toaff)

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