Virtual President-Elect Claudia Sheinbaum Announces New Program for Older Adults In Querétaro

by time news

2024-07-22 00:14:00

IT IS, Qro. (apro).- Virtual president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo announced this Sunday a new special program for older adults.

“It is not only the pension, but now we are going to bring doctors, nurses, nurses to the home of each of you, we are going to bring health to your home,” he said during his participation in the visit of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Querétaro.

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“So you can talk to the doctors, ask them to do the tests and also ask them to bring you free medicines, if necessary, to your home,” he said.

The program will be called “Today for you, tomorrow for us”.

He declared that he intends to make health a real “right”.

Sheinbaum Pardo promised to rule with the same principles, with the same reasons and with the same strength, among them the principles “For the good of all, the poor first” and “To the people everything, to the people nothing .”

The city government of Querétaro, led by PAN member Luis Bernardo Nava Guerrero, is operating a program similar to the one announced by the Morenista, first called “Médico en tu calle” and now “Médico Contigo.”

Sheinbaum Pardo also spoke about railway projects in the north of the country, such as the “Mexico-Queretaro” Train.

“Where those trains have to go through Well, through Querétaro: México-Quérétaro-San Luis-Nuevo Laredo; Mexico-Quérétaro-Guadalajara and we want to go to Nogales.”

“There will be social justice”

In his speech, President López Obrador referred to the vote on June 2, which will allow “the reform of the Constitution.”

He recalled that the Constitution of 1917 had been announced in Querétaro, “the first social Constitution in the world, the most advanced.”

However, he regretted that they changed the Magna Carta during the neoliberal or neo-Porfirista period, as he usually says, and argued that the constitutional reforms would harm the people and benefit them for minorities.

“Now that this change has happened, that the people say: ‘we go with the transformation’, now the Constitution is going to return to its original spirit, there will be social justice,” said the president.

López Obrador said that other social programs will continue to be elevated to constitutional status to convert them into rights.

“That will be established for us and for generations to come.”

In his speech, López Obrador drew attention to the program recently announced by Sheinbaum.

“And what has just been announced here for the first time, here in Querétaro, that they are going to visit the homes to take care of the elderly, respectable elderly, doctors and nurses, that is something very important , the most human thing that can be.

“Imagine that they knock on the door every week, every 15 days and the doctor comes to take the blood pressure and see how the adult is doing. Nothing more than taking care of the elderly, because often when you reach a certain age, even your children, your grandchildren, they don’t want to talk to you much anymore, because you start repeating and repeat yourself. And they say: ‘My grandfather, my grandmother are always telling me the same thing, the same thing and the same thing and the same thing.’ And we reach an age and what we want is for there to be someone who listens, who listens to us; That is therapy, we feel good if someone takes us into account, listens to us.

“Imagine if a doctor comes and is going to help you. Just going to see and talk to the older adult will make him happy, even remove his ailments. Therefore, this program is very humanitarian,” said the president.

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