Virtus Bologna-Monaco 78-81: the highlights of the match

by time news

Bologna suffers from a bad first half and loses at the Segafredo Arena in Europe for the first time this season. The comeback, led by a spectacular Belinelli, was shattered at the end against Loyd’s points, Lundberg’s shooting errors and the solidity under the basket of the former Jaiteh. Monaco, like Panathinaikos, joins Banchi’s team in third place

For the first time this season, the Segafredo Arena in the Euroleague is violated. Monaco conquers Bologna 81-78, suffering the usual comeback from Banchi’s team in the fourth period but performing better in the point-to-point final. In Bologna, still looking for the early season version of Shengelia, the usually sparkling Belinelli, good at playing the charge in the most difficult moment but neglected too much in the final shot choices. It doesn’t even shine Daniel Hackettwho nevertheless became the Italian with the most appearances in the competition.

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The chronicle of the match

Balanced start, with both teams aggressive and able to find the basket. Shengelia tries and manages to take responsibility, while on the other side James is good at not forcing it and Monaco finds the fittest man in Loyd. At the end of the first quarter, the Principality team attempted an attack (16-21), sublimated at the start of the second with eight points in a row from Loyd, very hot at shooting (15 points with 2/3 from the area and 3/3 from the arc). Virtus never manages to stem the bleeding, slipping early over a double digit deficit (27-43 at 27′). Bologna always needs Belinelli to find difficult baskets: his return from the bench is worth 8 points and the 35-45 at halftime. Upon returning to the field Belinelli is always a wrathful god and hits two more shots from beyond the arc: the former Spurs player also gets a technical foul and heats up the atmosphere in the Segafredo Arena. Virtus shows crazy defensive intensity, increasing the steals and holding Monaco to 0 points from the field for half the third quarter. A spell from Mike James unblocks the guests, but the wind blows in favor of the home team, who close within 2 (48-50). The French center Mam Jaiteh begins to cause some problems for his old team: he and Diallo score the points that keep Monaco ahead with a quarter to go, also grabbing valuable rebounds in attack (54-60 al 30′). With Dunston tired and Zizic still out of phase, the difference in centimeters with the opponents is becoming a huge problem for Banchi. The last period opens with a Mickey’s four-point play, but the magic multiplies: Lundberg on one side, Blossomgame and Loyd on the other. Every time she gets close, Virtus never manages to overtake: the curse is broken by Polonara’s triple of 69-68, put in at the hottest moment of the match due to foul problems Shengelia, also responsible for a few too many lost balls. However, Monaco responds blow for blow and a beautiful head-to-head is born in the last two minutes: Virtus down by two points has the winning shot, but Lundberg misses the triple from the corner. A shame not to have built anything for Belinelli in the final actions. Monaco reaches the Black Vu in the standings with 16 wins and 10 defeats, same record also for Panathinaikos. It will take a great effort to defend direct access to the playoffs without going through the play-in.

The scoreboard of the match

The power of Bologna: Cordinier 7, Lundberg 15, Belinelli 21, Pajola 1, Dobric 2, Shengelia 12, Hackett, Mickey 10, Polonara 5, Zizic, Dunston 5, Abass
Monaco: October 9, Loyd 24, Blossomgame 5, Brown 1, Diallo 8, Cornelie and, Jaiteh 7, Walker and, Motiejunas 4, Ouattara, Hall 2, James 21


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