Visa Appointment Wait Times for Americans in Curacao: What Venezuelans Need to Know

by time news

Ante el cese de los‌ servicios consulares en su país,los venezolanos‌ buscan opciones en el Caribe.

la semana del 9 de diciembre,⁣ el consulado de⁢ EEUU en Curazao anunció que había cerrado⁣ temporalmente⁢ el otorgamiento de citas para la tramitación de visas de no ​inmigrantes.

Por Javier Ignacio‍ Mayorca⁣ | Crónicas del Caribe

La decisión afecta directamente a los venezolanos que han encontrado ⁢en esa isla una alternativa para la obtención del permiso de entrada⁤ al territorio estadounidense.

Según ⁣el Departamento de Estado, en 2023 (última estadística disponible) más de 55 mil venezolanos aplicaron para la obtención de la visa de no-inmigrantes, es decir, con el propósito de permanecer temporalmente en la unión norteamericana, ya sea para hacer algún negocio, turismo, asistir a conferencias o eventos académicos, estudios o tratamiento médico, entre una larga lista de⁤ alternativas.

Con el‍ cese de los servicios consulares de EEUU en Caracas, en marzo de 2019, los venezolanos que desean gestionar visa por primera vez, o⁤ renovarla, tienen ​que viajar a algún país donde este consulado ⁤sí esté activo. El interesado no solo ⁣debe tomar en cuenta el costo⁤ inherente a la emisión de este permiso,sino también lo relativo al ​pasaje aéreo,la⁤ estadía,alimentación,transporte e,incluso,la posible tramitación del ⁣visado para entrar en ese país.

El Departamento de Estado tiene una base de datos con⁣ esta ‍información. En el caso de Curazao,al⁣ momento⁢ de la redacción de esta nota se indicaba que la espera sería⁤ de 75 días para los permisos de entrada para turistas y‌ tratamientos médicos.El consulado en ‍Trinidad ⁤y Tobago ⁤reporta apenas⁤ un día de⁢ espera para el mismo visado. Otra ciudad del Caribe que ha adquirido importancia en⁤ esta materia es Nassau (Bahamas). Allí, el tiempo de espera es de 12 ‍días.

Otros puntos frecuentados por los venezolanos ⁤para gestionar la visa⁤ norteamericana son Bogotá​ y⁢ Ciudad de Panamá. El consulado ​en la⁢ capital ⁣colombiana reporta tiempos de⁣ espera de 701 días,y 28 días en la otra⁤ urbe.

Lea más en Crónicas del Caribe

To create an engaging discussion based on the highlights from Donald Trump’s interview ‍with Time magazine,‍ we ‍can imagine a conversation between a ⁣ editor ⁢and a political analyst who provides insight​ into the implications of ​Trump’s comments. Editor: ​ Thank you for joining us today. Donald Trump’s recent ‍interview with Time magazine has ⁣sparked a lot of discussion, especially around his comments on January ⁣6th pardons. What were your thoughts on his stance regarding that matter?

political Analyst: It’s fascinating, isn’t it? Trump seems to be maintaining a defiant position on‍ January 6th. He suggested that he would consider pardoning individuals⁤ involved in the Capitol riots, which ​could energize his base but also⁢ provoke notable backlash from moderate ‍voters. This reflects his strategy ‌to solidify loyalty among his supporters while ‍risking alienation from more centrist Republicans. ⁢Editor: Absolutely. He also touched on immigration issues, ‌saying that‌ current policies‍ are flawed and promising to reinstate some of his previous policies. In your view, how ​will this resonate with ⁣voters,⁢ considering the changing demographics of the electorate?

Political ⁣Analyst: Trump’s ⁣immigration ​stance will likely resonate well with⁣ his ‌established base, as it aligns with their views on border ⁢security. However, as ⁣demographics shift, notably ⁢with younger voters who tend to support more progressive immigration reforms, he may find it challenging to expand his appeal. His past policies ‍have ‍also faced criticism for ⁤being inhumane, which could ⁣further complicate his efforts⁤ in attracting a broader voter‍ base. Editor: Fascinating point. On another subject, Trump discussed ‌the economy, particularly grocery prices and⁣ inflation. What impact could his commentary have on public perception regarding his economic policies?

Political Analyst: By addressing inflation ‌and grocery prices, Trump is clearly tapping into‍ a ⁤sentiment that many Americans feel acutely, especially as⁣ inflation has been a hot-button issue. However, while he can criticize current ​policies, the success of claims regarding his own economic ‌management will depend on how voters perceive the economy’s recovery and their personal experiences. Economic messaging is crucial in ​midterm elections, and he seems poised to ⁣leverage ‌that. Editor: he mentioned world affairs and America’s standing ⁢on the global stage. How do you ⁤see his approach‍ affecting U.S. foreign policy discourse?

Political Analyst: trump’s perspective on world affairs often aligns with an “america ​First” mantra,advocating for a more ⁤isolationist approach. This might appeal to a segment of the population that feels the U.S. has overcommitted internationally. However, it could lead to a disconnect‍ with traditional allies and​ complicate diplomatic relationships. As global issues become increasingly complex, his approach could prompt a significant debate on the direction of U.S. foreign policy, especially‌ if‍ he runs for office again in 2024. Editor: Thank you for ‌your insights! As we approach the‌ next electoral cycle,it will be interesting to‍ see how​ these factors play out in the political ⁣landscape.

This conversation engages with the key themes of Trump’s interview and provides a mix of analysis and speculation⁣ regarding future political effects, serving to ⁣inform readers of the potential implications of Trump’s⁣ statements based on the cited article highlights from his Time magazine interview [1] [3].

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