Vision loss in dogs

by time news

2024-09-26 07:50:21

In dogs, the eye is not the most developed sense, although its function is higher than that of humans, and this means that Loss of visual ability can go unnoticed by compensating for this weakness with their good sense of smell and hearing.

When the vision problem shows external symptoms, we can see the symptoms of redness, heat, excessive tearing, widened pupils or color changes in the eyes that can be a warning, but when the origin is are in the internal organs, the symptoms are always there. disappear.

On the other hand, it is important to notice the appearance of strange or unusual behaviors, such as excitement, confusion, fearful behavior, etc.

Vision loss in dogs

Vision problems often appear in older animals as a natural Due to age and due to clouding of the lens, but they can also occur in young specimens caused by trauma, wounds or the presence of diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma or retinal detachment.

  • Fall: An irregular clouding of the lens means that light does not reach the back of the eye optimally, causing poor vision. Cataracts can be acquired or congenital and in the first case they are usually caused by injuries or diseases such as diabetes.

dog cataracts

  • Glaucoma: When the water produced by the eye reaches poor levels, intraocular pressure increases, damaging the eye, causing pain and, ultimately, blindness. Veterinarians divide glaucomas into primary and secondary. The former are caused by hereditary conditions and the latter by accidental conditions.
  • Retinal separation: When the retina is detached, the cells responsible for proper vision, called photoreceptors, die. This pathology can be caused by high blood pressure, injuries or some kind of eye disorder.

In order for the physical therapist to develop a good diagnosis, with ocular examination and clinical measurements to find or control the underlying processes, it is necessary to perform three simple tests that will help come to define the dog’s vision ability and degree:

dog vision problem

  • reflex test: It involves testing eye function in the face of a hazard reflex (closing of the eyes when approaching an object) and glare (dilation of the pupils when light comes on).
  • Cotton test: This test involves dropping a cotton ball at a distance of about 30 centimeters from the dog’s face. Cotton has no smell and does not make noise, so the dog only has eyes to notice it and follow its path.
  • Difficulty testing: Place something that does not smell in the room and lead the dog in that direction. If the animal travels or is able to avoid it, we will know if the loss of sight is total or partial.

It all depends on the age of the animal and the causes of vision loss.. If it is a problem associated with age, little can be done, but in younger dogs the appropriate treatment will depend on the problem and its origin.

dog breed

Cataracts can be treated surgicallyprovided that the condition of the retina is optimal, in addition to the correct determination of the metabolic abnormalities that can cause them. If not, In cases of glaucoma, the solution will depend on the degree of development of the pathology.

In cases of retinal detachment solution It will depend on the extent of the deviation and the underlying diseases that you can find.

Finally, for dogs suffering from vision loss, it is very important to facilitate their daily life by avoiding loud and sudden noises, giving them different feeds and treats so that they can find them without problems through their sleep, provide them with a comfortable shelter to access without obstacles, protect stairs and corners, always wear them on the leash on the exitsand so on.

#Vision #loss #dogs

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