Visit of Charles III: Versailles, Champs-Élysées… no changes planned despite the strikes

by time news

Jean-Luc Mélenchon believes that it is “not the right time”, Sandrine Rousseau encourages him to cancel… Charles III’s visit to France falls badly, with his pomp diplomatically required to receive a new king, in full great mobilization against the pension reform. However, this Thursday, the day of inter-union demonstrations in the streets, the British government announced that there were no changes planned despite the strikes in France.

“I am not aware of any plan to change the plan,” said a Downing Street spokesperson soberly. King Charles is due to arrive on a state visit on Sunday. For the moment, there is talk in particular of a reception at Versailles and a descent of the Champs-Élysées alongside Emmanuel Macron… A high-risk program, first at the security level because of the tensions and possible disturbances on the route, but also politically, in relation to the symbol of such a wandering in the midst of a crisis.

“We’re going to greet him with a good old general strike!” »

“Incredible, we are going to have Emmanuel Macron, the Republican monarch, who is going to receive Charles III, who is going to go down the Champs-Elysées, who is going to have dinner in Versailles, while the people in the street are demonstrating”, in particular summed up the Green MP Sandrine Rousseau. The president “is certainly more comfortable with the monarchs than with the elected representatives of the people to whom he denies the right to vote on his pension reform”, for his part tackled Ian Brossat, spokesperson for the PCF, after the forceps adoption of this text via Article 49.3 of the Constitution.

And the spokesperson for the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) Olivier Besancenot ironically on franceinfo: “Charles III, we are going to welcome him with a good old general strike! »

Basically, “a strong symbol”

Initially, however, the symbol was intended to benefit both countries. The invitation had been launched by Emmanuel Macron at the time of the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. “I had the opportunity to invite King Charles to come to France when it is appropriate for him,” said the Head of State on September 16. The message had been heard while the advisers of the executive have since been working on the preparation of an event with great fanfare. “This is an extremely strong symbol because it will be Charles III’s first official visit. This coming comes when the king is not yet crowned, which shows that France is a priority for him, ”said an executive adviser to Le Parisien a few weeks ago. Charles III and his wife must indeed be crowned on May 6, 2023.

A red carpet to welcome the king?

But several elements fear a disturbed diplomatic celebration. And it could have started with a detail, that of the red carpet supposed to welcome the monarch! The latter was finally sent to the Élysée Palace on Tuesday by non-striking employees, learned franceinfo with the Mobilier national. A relief for the organizers since the CGT Culture had announced in a press release published Tuesday that the staff, on strike against the pension reform, refused to participate in the reception of Charles III in France scheduled for Sunday.

No tramway tour in Bordeaux?

In addition, “it is almost certain that the king will not be able to take the tram” in Bordeaux as he planned, estimated Pascal Mesgueni, CFTC delegate at the transport authority TBM. If the prefect of police of Paris Laurent Nunez said he was “very serene” on BFMTV, Buckingham Palace however keeps a worried eye on the demonstrations, reports the Daily Mail which evokes additional logistical precautions.

On the union side, “we will continue to mobilize (against the reform) and this visit will be in our sights”, warned Mathieu Obry (CGT) and Yvan Fort (FO) in the daily Sud-Ouest this week.

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