VISUALG 3.0 interpreter and editor and structured Portuguese (LOGIC)

by time news
Everyone only cares about the enem, it’s enem here, enem there, and then what? After they pass and are at a university? Computer science, for example, or even civil engineering or electrical engineering, etc.

And they have to learn computer programming to learn how to assemble their formulas and/or create applications?

Well, I’m Professor Antonio, in computer science courses, (in colleges and/or technical schools), there is a discipline called Computer Programming Logic, which is the discipline in computer courses that most students fail in all of Brazil, generating thus a high number, more than 60% failed per course, thus increasing school evasion.

And I, worried about my students, so I created a software (application) to help them, called VISUALG 3.0and as a result I already reached the number of 95% approved, on June 17, 2015 I posted it on the internet to be downloaded FREE just to my students and some fellow teachers about 500 copies.

But the success was such that in less than 6 months the VISUALG 3.0 that already had more than 1 (one) million downloads and today it has already surpassed 2.5 million downloads, with more than 30 million copies and for more than 90 countries.

Everyone just wants to use the computer, but for that, someone has to program it, and to program it, you have to know a lot. PROGRAMMING LOGIC, and who teaches it? How is this learned?

A. In a good computer programming course.

And that’s why I created VISUALG 3.0, to help beginner students in programming, this software that is free and available on the internet today already has millions of users and in countries such as Angola, Mozambique, Portugal, in addition to Brazil. As seen in the video below:

And according to the report:

I’m 24 years old, bachelor’s student in computer science – BCC, FOUNDER of the computer science community/website/group. Study at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco – UFRPE. My motto is “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” Arthur C. Clarke’s 3rd Law.

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