Vitamin D Against Cancer: Promising Connection Revealed, Best Dosage for Reduced Mortality

by time news

2023-08-11 15:44:00
Vitamin D against cancer: Researchers find a promising connection

A recent study conducted by the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg has revealed significant findings regarding the relationship between vitamin D and cancer. The study found that supplementation with vitamin D can have a direct impact on mortality from severe cancer, reducing the cancer mortality rate.

The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is widespread, with approximately 15 percent of adults in Germany having levels below the threshold for a pronounced deficiency. However, cancer patients are particularly affected, with a study of colon cancer patients showing that 59 percent had a vitamin D3 deficiency, which was associated with an unfavorable prognosis for their disease.

Previous studies have already examined the effects of vitamin D supplementation on cancer development and progression, with promising results. In 2021, the DKFZ analyzed five studies and projected a 13 percent reduction in the mortality rate, potentially preventing the deaths of around 30,000 cancer patients in Germany alone.

In the latest meta-analysis, the DKFZ team evaluated 14 high-quality studies, which included a total of approximately 105,000 participants. The results, published in the journal “Aging Research Review” in 2023, indicated that vitamin D3 intake may not protect against developing cancer but could significantly reduce the probability of dying from cancer. However, the researchers acknowledged that previous studies on cancer mortality have yielded different results, and further investigation into the reasons for this discrepancy is necessary.

Interestingly, when the studies were analyzed based on the dosage of vitamin D, the results varied significantly. Studies that administered high doses of vitamin D infrequently showed no effect on cancer mortality. On the other hand, studies that administered a low daily dose of vitamin D saw a significant 12 percent reduction in cancer mortality. This finding aligns closely with the projection from 2021.

The effects of vitamin D on the immune system play a crucial role in its potential impact on cancer. In addition to suppressing cancer-promoting factors, vitamin D also suppresses chronic inflammatory reactions, which could help individuals survive their cancer. However, cancer researchers caution that vitamin D should only be seen as a supplement to established therapies and not as a standalone alternative.

A more detailed analysis of the studies revealed that individuals aged 70 and over benefited the most from vitamin D3 therapy. The effect was also most evident when vitamin D intake was initiated before the cancer diagnosis. This highlights the importance of starting vitamin D supplementation early as a preventive measure.

Cancer researchers emphasize that a healthy diet and balanced levels of vitamin D can significantly reduce the cancer mortality rate. In Germany, the mortality rate from age-related cancer is considerably higher than in Finland, where many foods have been fortified with vitamin D for several years. It is suggested that vitamin D supplementation, particularly for individuals over 50, could not only save lives but also reduce the cost of cancer therapies.

The DKFZ research group estimated that vitamin D supplementation could save 254 million euros in cancer therapy costs annually. They propose adding vitamin D to certain foods in Germany based on the Finnish model, although it is important to note that the body is better able to produce vitamin D through sunlight than through food.

While vitamin D supplements are available, it is recommended to consult with a doctor to determine if there is a deficiency before starting supplementation. Spending time outdoors in the sunlight is also an effective way to increase vitamin D levels. The cancer information service of the German Cancer Research Center suggests staying in the sun for at least 12 minutes, exposing the face, arms, hands, and legs to the sun without sunscreen.

In conclusion, the connection between vitamin D and cancer mortality is promising, with supplementation showing potential in reducing the risk of death. Further research is needed to fully understand the reasons for the varying results in previous studies. Nonetheless, maintaining a healthy diet and considering vitamin D supplementation, especially for individuals over 50, could contribute to reducing the impact of cancer and the associated costs of treatment.

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