Vitamin D and Cancer: Researchers Discover Promising Connection, Immune System Effects, and Therapeutic Approaches for Patients. Do You Need Vitamin D Preparations? Learn How to Avoid Deficiency and Save on Cancer Therapy Costs, with Potential to Prevent 30,000 Cancer Deaths in Germany Annually.

by time news

2023-04-25 15:21:00

  • Vitamin D against cancer: researchers see promising connection
  • How does vitamin D work in the immune system
  • Which therapeutic approaches with vitamin D is there for cancer patients?
  • Need it Vitamin D preparations? How to avoid vitamin D deficiency

A study of German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg has new, exciting insights into the Link between vitamin D and cancer brought to light. The researchers found that supplementation with vitamin D can have a direct impact on mortality from severe cancer. Accordingly, they could Vitamin D intake reduces cancer mortality. The study goes even further: if one relies on an extrapolation model, the Mortality rate reduced by a whopping 13 percent can become. Therewith the death of around 30,000 cancer patients in Germany alone could be prevented. The researchers are more than confident.

Vitamin D in cancer: possible reduction in mortality rate

Vitamin D has many effects on our body immune system a. It basically has an immune-modulating effect, explains Tobias Niedermaier, who was involved in the study, in an interview ntv. So Vitamin D suppresses certain cancer-promoting factors and chronic inflammatory reactions. The assumption of his team: Due to this effect increases with the Taking vitamin D in the appropriate amount probability of surviving cancer. However, treatment with vitamin D should never be used as an alternative, but always as a Supplement to the established therapies be understood.

The DKFZ epidemiologist Hermann Brenner emphasizes that the mortality rate from age-related cancer has decreased uniformly in recent years, but Germany still has a significantly higher mortality rate than Finland, for example. According to Brenner, there is also an explanation for this: In Finland become many in recent years Foods fortified with vitamin D.

In the past three years, several meta-studies have already shown that a healthy diet and thus a balanced level of vitamin D can significantly reduce the cancer mortality rate. Accordingly, in the course of the current study, many assumptions are based on the fact that vitamin D supplementation has a direct effect on the severity of cancer. In the study published by the DKFZ in February 2021 these figures have now been converted to Germany. The result: A comprehensive supplementation of Vitamin D for everyone over 50 could prevent up to 30,000 cancer deaths a year.

Vitamin D deficiency in Germany: can dietary supplements help?

The epidemiologist Hermann Brenner therefore holds one Vitamin D Supplementation especially useful for people over 50. They are particularly often from one person Vitamin D Deficiency affected – and according to a study, this can even be fatal. Supplementing with the vitamin would not only save many lives, it would also significantly reduce the cost of cancer therapies.

Amazon book tip: Cancer cells don’t like sun – The vitamin D guide

But the additional administration of vitamin D is also useful. Because in Germany, a large part of the population suffers from a vitamin D deficiency over the year. Approximately According to a study by the Robert Koch Institute, 30 percent are inadequately supplied, another 31 percent are considered suboptimal. The supply shortages were significantly higher in winter than in summer.

The Heidelberg researchers therefore advocate adding vitamin D to certain foods in Germany based on the Finnish model – although the vitamin has been shown to be better produced through sunlight than can be absorbed through diet. Certain foods also naturally contain plenty of vitamin D.

It is best to have vitamin D deficiency clarified by a doctor

The researchers at the DKFZ have calculated that taking vitamin D preparations – which would cost around 25 euros per person annually – annually 254 million euros cancer therapy costs save on could. You can determine whether you have a vitamin D deficiency be determined by a doctor. In general, according to experts, a normal dosage, such as vitamin D tablets from the pharmacy, is harmless. However, you can also take too much of the preparation. You can find out here what symptoms and consequences an overdose can have. The quality of some vitamin D tablets also leaves a lot to be desired, as Öko-Test found out.

Supplements with vitamin D: View the bestsellers on Amazon

You can also top up your vitamin D levels for free. The Krebsinformationsdienst of the German Cancer Research Center recommends staying outside in the sunshine at least two to three times a week. You should stay in the sun for at least 12 minutes, exposing your face, arms, hands, and legs to the sun without sunscreen. It is important to have your vitamin D level checked by a doctor if you suspect a deficiency.

Are you interested in the topics of “cancer diseases”, “prevention” and “treatment options”? You can find more information here:

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