Vitamin D soon from the basic package

by time news

At the beginning of this year, the National Health Care Institute advised the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport to no longer reimburse vitamin D from the basic health insurance package. This advice was adopted, so that from next year consumers will have to bear these costs themselves. These are D vitamins in the form of colecalciferol. These vitamins are taken, among other things, by people who are deficient in D vitamins or to prevent a deficiency. What are D vitamins, which target groups are eligible for supplements, and how will they be obtained from 2023?

What is Vitamin D?

D vitamins are also called calciferol. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that keeps your teeth and bones strong. This vitamin also aids in the absorption of phosphorus and calcium in your body. Your body needs D vitamins for normal muscle function. In addition, these vitamins contribute to your resistance. Your skin produces vitamin D3 under the influence of the sun. Sunlight is the main source for this vitamin. You also get D vitamins through your diet.

D vitamins in food

In food we find D2 and D3. D3 has a somewhat stronger effect than D2. D3 is only found in foods of animal origin. D2 is formed in some mushrooms and fungi. Do you need extra D vitamins? Oily fish such as salmon, trout and mackerel are good sources. Eggs, beef and pork also provide D vitamins. D vitamins are added to baking and roasting products. It is not always enough to get vitamin D from food and sun exposure alone.

When are extra D vitamins needed?

The recommended daily amount of D vitamins is 10 micrograms. For people over the age of 70, a recommended amount of 20 micrograms applies. In the spring, autumn and summer, the advice is to spend 15 minutes to half an hour outside in the sun every day between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Do not cover your head and hands. In winter you use the stock of vitamins that you have built up in sunnier seasons. In addition, you eat healthy and varied. However, this is not always sufficient to get the desired amount of D vitamins. Unlike many other types of supplements (such as supplements for athletes), people without special activities may also be eligible for extra vitamin D.

Children up to 4 years old, pregnant women and the elderly require D supplements as a supplement. People with tanned skin are also advised to take extra D vitamins in the form of a D supplement or multivitamins. Do you rarely go out or do you always cover your head and hands with a veil? Even then, D vitamins are essential.

D supplements

In our little country it can be difficult to get enough D vitamins all year round. Different target groups benefit from extra D vitamins. D vitamins are sold in the form of supplements. They are available in the form of pills or drops. The drops come in different flavors so that your children have no trouble swallowing the much-needed vitamins. In addition, D vitamins are part of multivitamins. The package describes exactly what the amount of D vitamins is in the supplement.

Do you need extra D vitamins and were they previously reimbursed? The discontinuation of the reimbursement from the basic package does not mean that the official health advice regarding vitamin D will expire. The main change is that they are then available at the drugstore or other (online) stores instead of the pharmacy.

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