Vitamin E deficiency: these are the symptoms

by time news

Do you notice a vitamin E deficiency? What symptoms should you watch for? You hear a lot about how important vitamins C and D are, but vitamin E should certainly not be underestimated. Especially as a runner you want to get enough of this: vitamin E protects your cells, blood vessels, organs, eyes and tissue.

Why is vitamin E important?

Vitamin E is an important antioxidant: a powerful substance that protects your cells against harmful and aggressive substances. Think for example of air pollution and damage from UV radiation, but also damage to muscle tissue after a heavy workout. Vitamin E ensures that you recover quickly and that your muscles can also handle the next training session. It is therefore extra important to quickly replenish all your stocks after exercising!

Read ok: This is the best thing to eat after a run to recover faster.

How do you get vitamin E?

You need about 15 mg of vitamin E per day. With a healthy and varied diet you will quickly reach this goal. The best sources of vitamin E are nuts and seeds, such as almonds, sunflower seeds or hazelnuts. But you also get vitamin E from salmon, avocado and various grain products.

Read also: Which vegetables contain vitamin E?

What are the symptoms of a vitamin E deficiency?

A severe vitamin E deficiency can lead to:

  • anemia
  • neurological symptoms
  • muscle weakness

    Fortunately, vitamin E deficiencies do not occur in the Netherlands as far as we know. You will get enough vitamin E, especially if you eat a healthy and varied diet. Symptoms of a vitamin E deficiency can only occur in very serious disorders in the absorption of nutrients.

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