Volunteering as a Unesco good and 2022 a dedicated year: the request to Mario Draghi

by time news

The appeal of Emanuele Alecci and Riccardo Bonacina spokespersons of the Campaign for the recognition of voluntary work as a Unesco intangible asset

“President Draghi next December 5th, World Volunteer Day, face it a free gift to Italians and adhere to our appeal by declaring the 2022 year of volunteering. With the resurgence of the pandemic, volunteers are there and will always be there to lend a hand to others. Just think of theassistance within vaccination centers. Today as on the occasion of the first wave.

Declaring 2022 as the year of volunteering it does not involve costs to the state. No money needed. It is only to put the precious and irreplaceable role of volunteering at the center of attention ”, thus begins the appeal of Emanuele Alecci and Riccardo Bonacina spokesperson for the Campaign for recognition of voluntary work as an intangible asset by UNESCO.

A sharable and just appeal especially today.

Volunteering is aindispensable energy of society. As the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, said, “volunteering is a heritage generated by the community, which reverberates on the quality of our lives, starting with those who find themselves in conditions of need, or struggle to overcome obstacles that hinder the exercise of their rights “.

Without volunteering it would not have been possible cope with the emergencies generated by the pandemic. Without social networks animated by extensive volunteering and active citizenship it will not be possible to build that change in the priorities of our civil life so evoked and so evidently necessary in order not to be unprepared for the new social demands and to guarantee the quality of our democracy increasingly in need of an education for the common good.

Volunteers engaged in many fields of action, fromassistance at the civil protection, from the culture al free time, from the conservation of the artistic heritage at the sport not competitive, from scientific research at the cooperation, they put their time and skills at the center for free and in the general interest for the benefit of the community.
It is about a precious heritage to be preserved and disseminated. Never before has this awareness become an urgency.

Hence the shared request to the Prime Minister and the Republican institutions to proclaim 2022 “National Year of Volunteering” and thus dedicating a whole year to the noblest of common goods. A good as necessary as we understand today. President listen to them.

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