Von der Leyen counters Orban after saying racism

by time news

The EU is based on equality and tolerance. said the EU Commission President: “These values ​​are universal and
not negotiable.

A week after racist remarks by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen emphasized that all EU countries have committed themselves to common values. “Discriminating on the basis of race tramples on these values,” said the German politician in an interview with the Slovak internet portal “aktuality.sk” published on Saturday.

“The European Union is built on equality, tolerance, justice and fairness.” All countries are committed to upholding and protecting these values. Von der Leyen neither named Orban nor spoke explicitly of racist statements.

Orban recently said: “There is a world in which the peoples of Europe mix with those who come from outside Europe. It’s a mixed-race world.” On the other hand, there is the Carpathian Basin, where European peoples such as Hungarians, Romanians and Slovaks mixed. “We’re willing to mix with each other, but we don’t want to become multiracial.” Days later, Orban tried to qualify his statements. The concept used by the National Socialists, among others, that there are different human races is scientifically untenable and part of racist worldviews.

Von der Leyen said in the interview that the EU values ​​are anchored in European and international treaties. They should be the framework for political debate. “These values ​​are universal and non-negotiable.”


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