Voter registration: several CENI agents stopped in Kinshasa (Congoforum)

by time news

KINSHASA-For having facilitated a certain Fabien Kusonika to obtain four (4) voter cards, these agents were arrested. But according to this citizen, he did it for investigative reasons. However, the ceni reassures that a cleaning of the file will be done before the publication of the lists.

Kevin Katembo Kimfumu (identification clerk acting as president of the registration center, Jérémie Tsheza Kapia (entry operator), Ndjemba Élie (polyvalent clerk) were recently handed over to justice for investigation.

We recovered the four (4) voter cards that a petitioner obtained outside the established law. Indeed, we used the QR code to trace the serial number of the cards concerned and the national number of the voter who is on the card hidden, here, by ink. The analysis carried out thanks to the QR code, helped us to find the information which allowed us to identify the kit as well as its serial number, including the center where it operates. From the serial number of the machine in our database, we were able to identify the name of the center and its address. The center is housed in the “Lycée René Tipax” school in Masina. We had gone to this address. Once at the location, we analyzed the two kits found. When we entered the card number in the first kit, the search gave that a certain Kasuanika Mbambi Fabien was registered on this machine with a photo. The same exercise was repeated on the other machine and the conclusion was that this gentleman obtained the voter’s card four (4) times, under four different identities”, explained a member of the supervision team, sent by the president of the CENI.

And to add: “Our analyzes have proven that the person concerned was not physically at the registration center. We used a photo to enroll him. Therefore, we will continue the research with the data that we will remove from the kits to find out what fingerprints and IRIS are used to achieve this operation. But we already know that the president of the registration center was absent and it was the identification officer who acted as interim, who signed all these cards, it is Mr. Katembo Kimfumu Kevin. It was also noted that of the 4 signatures affixed to the cards, only one corresponds to that found in the FO1 file. So, we will continue the investigations to establish all the light in this matter. »

It should be noted that Yves Kota, the Director in charge of IT at the Ceni, wanted to reassure the public that his institution has planned a system for cleaning the Electoral File to deal with such situations.

“I assure you that this case and others not yet pinned, can be detected when cleaning the File. For the case of a duplicate, the CENI will only take into account the last registration, but for the case under examination, the CENI will completely remove the person from the Electoral File, because the role of the electoral center also consists in disposal of the Republic a reliable Electoral File” he reassured

As a reminder, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, enlisting more than once constitutes an offence, according to Law No. 04/028 of December 24, 2004 on the identification and registration of voters as amended and supplemented by Law No. 16 /007 of June 29, 2007 in its article 45.

© CongoForum – Arnaud Kabeya, 27.02.23

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