“Vu d’Ailleurs” N°121 – Russian aviation weighed down by sanctions

by time news

2023-06-17 12:30:04

EXCLUSIVE LETTER SUBSCRIBERS – The European press review, by Édouard de Mareschal.

Dear subscribers,

The effectiveness of the sanctions taken against Russia is the subject of endless debate. Moscow claims not to feel the consequences, while Westerners defend the effectiveness of embargoes and asset freezes in cascades taken since the start of the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

It seems that in the aeronautical field, it is the second theory which is verified. Several Russian airlines have dangerously lowered the security requirements of their flights, says La Gazeta Wyborcza in an article that relays a survey by Proekt.media. This Russian investigative media, backed by an American structure, has been designated as “unwanted organizationby Moscow in the summer of 2021. Its reporters, qualified asforeign agentsare now in exile.

The Proekt.media agency demonstrates in particular that Russian crews have been prohibited from recording in the logbooks the technical problems they notice. They are required to report them orally to the…

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