VUCA, BANI and… banned by the assault and battery method

by time news

2023-10-09 13:46:37

EDITED – “In exceptional situations, exceptional rules.” This legal maxim has not only been used deliberately by our politicians to justify restrictions on freedoms for more than three years now. It was also used by a very large majority of citizens.

In the face of chaos, certainties are shattered. However, with this health crisis, it is indeed, unfortunately, a chaotic situation in which many citizens, particularly families, have found themselves.

Pro-vax versus anti-vax: the opposition has already generated very tense situations between people who are completely strangers to each other. But when this opposition occurs within a couple, it leads to a much more destructive conflict. Especially when it comes to making the decision whether or not to vaccinate your children or to undergo, today, a fourth dose (or a fifth…) while being aware of the consequences of possible side effects. And this is especially true since in their desire to vaccinate absolutely everyone, our leaders have decided that the agreement of a single parent, and not both, is sufficient for a child to receive the injection. Or three, four, five injections, series in progress…

With these heartbreaks, it is the popular maxim “The opportunity that makes the thief” which has been brought up to date.

We may believe, be sure of knowing a person whose life we ​​have shared for years, in reality, as long as we have not had to face with them a test other than that of everyday life, an extraordinary test. , one of those exceptional situations synonymous with crucial choices and with dramatic consequences, we don’t really know our other half. In the face of deadly adversity, the individual reveals himself and everyone shows themselves as they really are. Like drunkenness, the wine that some people make joyful, sad or violent, this adversity acts as a disinhibitor, a revealer. The intrinsic, animal personality is then expressed without the individual being able to oppose it. The man who, until then, we swore was indestructible, is cracking on all sides. While this woman who was still mocked the day before for her apparent lack of courage, this woman takes up the challenge, without balking or complaining.

The upheaval in our society is such that even decision-making professionals have had to review their copy.

The flagship method of the world before, the one by which all CAC 40 managers, renowned psychiatrists and the military swore, was the VUCA method: “Volatility – Uncertainty – Complexity, Ambiguity”, namely: “Volatility – Uncertainty – Complexity – Ambiguity”.

This method makes it possible to provide the person concerned with rational decision-making in times of uncertainty and when they lack time, this time so necessary for analysis.

This method has always been obsolete, because it never took into consideration these two key variables which are chaos and disasters.

VUCA is too incremental a system, which does not allow us to analyze the loss of benchmarks such as the curvature of the earth (the horizon), gravitational attraction et magneticor even to evaluate the change in paradigm or information system.

Societal and certainly irreversible upheavals are causing VUCA to be sidelined by the BANI model: “Brittle – Anxiety – Non-linearity – Incomprehension”.

Brittle (friable, fragile, brittle in French): this hybrid word describes the feverishness that strikes us when we think the world is solid. As if there was no in-between between the world before (normal situation) and the new one (totally disrupted situation). In a feverish and unstable world, radical changes become possible, whereas before the triggering event, we thought the route was ready.

Anxiety: the mention of a crumbly world generates anxiety. Realizing that the world in which we live, in which we have been complacent for a long time, is fragile to the point of changing state instantly, all of this causes anxiety. For what ? Because we go from stable to unstable. Everything is called into question. We must imagine another world, going beyond what conventions provide. However, all this is perilous and makes you dizzy. And this is the feeling that many people have on the edge of a precipice.

“Nonlinear”: linear negation, the refusal to look things in the face. For everyone, at the beginning of a new situation, basic defense mechanisms mean that we reject even an obvious observation. However, the force of attraction towards understanding, towards another path, this force can take over what seems to be reasonable. Example: there was no reason to consider a total failure of the system caused by a simple virus. And yet it is indeed here, the Covid tsunami.

“Incomprehension”: when we find ourselves unable, when making a decision, to manage the double standards that exist between an exceptional situation and a normal situation, we move from a linear decision-making process dictated by the evidence of choice in normality, to a non-linear decision-making process which is imposed on the person by the exceptional situation they are faced with. This leads to incomprehension characterized by a loss of bearings.

For many, all this is difficult to understand (how can we imagine that the government is acting against the interests of its population?). Hence the I in BANI: the inconsistency of answers to multiple questions. Before the crisis, we had a problem with reform, the cost of pensions and European debt ratios. Then, with the wave of a magic wand, no more money problems and 600 billion printed. Logic is outdated to the point that some are considering the use of artificial intelligence to solve problems. The world has become so complex that simple things seem childish (why deal with old molecules when we can resort to nano-biological research?)

However, the BANI method provides no guarantee, it is only the least inappropriate method at the moment, and it nonetheless remains critical to confront the reasoned plan au real, for what is true in one axiomatic system may prove false in another (in the metaverse, false is the new true).

In addition, the crisis we are going through will give rise to new knowledge, for example concerning the language between matter and living things. And this new knowledge will perhaps make it possible to take quantum physics or even “celestial” physics into consideration in order to evaluate blade… And in this case, understanding the genetic “master code” is probably not very far away. It will be necessary to protect it well so that it does not fall into the wrong hands…

#VUCA #BANI #and.. #banned #assault #battery #method

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