Wado candidate: the NEWS preview of the release

by time news

2023-06-22 19:42:40

About 500 days ago, NEWS published on cover a note about the Minister of the Interior. Wado De Pedro, the unexpected candidate K. The official was already showing wayward with Alberto Fernández and the first rumors of his presidential intentions appeared.

CKirchner’s voice The roles of its main political interlocutors were always well defined. Yeah Maximum It is its most direct battering ram, which carries with it the weight and the responsibility of keeping the family name alive, Peter’s Wado For the Vice President, he is the man for assignments that require work, discretion or, directly, that require there not be a Kirchner in the room.

The space leader insisted that De Pedro is part of the Cabinet, even when he, at first, did not want to. When Alberto Fernandez, At the end of 2019, he summoned him to add him to the team, Wado demanded a single condition when taking the place of the Ministry of the Interior: that the then president-elect accept that he was never going to speak in public. Although it didn’t take that long, at that time De Pedro was terrified of speechesand the only one who had been able to convince him to do otherwise was Néstor Kirchner, a week before his death, when he forced him to give a talk – the first he did as a political reference – before five thousand agricultural producers in Mar del Plata. .

Since the beginning of 2022, in some confidential talks, Wado began to be honest and admit that, if the opportunity arose, would like to be president. The opportunity came. Without Cristina or Máximo as options With possibilities of attracting a more moderate social sector, the name of Wado began to sound in Christianity for the next election.

Two days after NOTICIAS was published, the Capital and the Conurbano wallpapers appeared with the cover of this magazine and the face of Wadoin an action that Editorial Profile had nothing to do. The cost calculated at that time for this advertising action exceeded two million pesos. So some questions quickly arose: Who did it? And because?

At that time, one of the minister’s right hands recounted that Tuesday had been a day of surprises. Firstly, because of the messages from curious people who consulted him about the unusual signage, and secondly, because of the call he received at the last minute from “Wado” himself. “He asked me to find out about it, which puzzled me. Until that moment I thought it was us,” he revealed.

That was, of course, the original reading of the majority: the camporista leader, as that cover says, was rising in the polls and several in space imagined him as a candidate. It was a thorny issue for De Pedro, who did not even want to talk about candidacies, at the beginning of 22. “How is the new candidate K doing?” She was a Chicana who received “Wado” several times since the cover came out, as happened to her at the ceremony organized by the Foreign Ministry to remember Héctor Timerman.

But from Wadism they outlined a theory that had some logic. First they assured that if it had been them the poster would have the name of the most visible protagonist. “That is badly done, Wado is hardly seen. If we want promotion, the most important thing is to see him,” they said. And from there they drew a conclusion: who hit the NEWS cover all over the City wanted, in truth, disturb or dirty the minister. “Many in La Cámpora bitched him. Think that NEWS is not well seen by us ”, they said. That is to say, according to this version, there would be several in the space who believed that it would be the same “Wado” who would have tried to settle. Hence the anger.

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