Waist-deep grass in Plovdiv – mosquitoes are already buzzing, ticks are biting (photos) – 2024-04-15 05:53:33

by times news cr

2024-04-15 05:53:33

  • Are we going to spray ourselves with repellants this summer to go out in the evening, Plovdiv residents ask
  • We have been spraying since March, but the warm weather has spoiled us, says the municipality

We will have problems with mosquitoes and ticks if measures are not taken and effective spraying is not started immediately, the epidemiologist Prof. Todor Kantarjiev warned a few days ago. According to him, now is the time to treat the areas with preparations so that the bloodsuckers do not multiply and infect people.

Residents of Plovdiv remember with horror last summer, when they could not go out in the evening. At the Ancient Theater, it was impossible to watch a performance without dousing yourself with repellent. The city administration then claimed that they had not stopped spraying.

This summer, that nightmare may repeat itself, as the mosquitoes hatched a hatchery that is now in operation. It’s the same with ticks. In the inter-block spaces of Plovdiv, the grass grew up to the waist, and this is a paradise for their breeding. As we reported, the Infectious Disease Clinic already has the first case of a patient with Lyme disease. Do more people need to suffer in order to start an effective treatment, which is mowing and spraying, epidemiologists are categorical.

The Municipal Directorate of Ecology assured that already in March they started treating the biotopes where mosquitoes breed. These are stagnant waters, the Maritsa banks, swamps, canals. “There is already one treatment each against larvae and adults, as flying mosquitoes were detected early,” they explained. According to them, the warm weather and weather conditions allowed both mosquitoes and ticks to hatch earlier.

The “Disinfection Station” assures that they do not one, but two treatments per month, covering parks, hills, cemeteries. Spraying against mosquitoes was aerosol.

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