Wait what?! This cocktail helps against the flu

by time news

We often hear that certain types of food and drinks are good for your health. Warm milk for insomnia or a greasy snack to fight your hangover, you name it! Many of these things are myths and don’t really solve the problem. But doctors agree on this drink, this cocktail helps against symptoms of the flu!

Cocktail against the flu

The Americans think they know, there is a mythical whiskey cocktail that can cure the flu. This cocktail contains whiskey, lemon, honey, cloves and cinnamon. Then you warm it up and voilà, your sore throat or running nose would come in no-time must disappear. A number of doctors and doctors have spoken out about the ‘hot toddy’ and the outcome will surprise you!

Doctors explain that the drink is not directly the cure for your cold or flu, but the hot ingredients can reduce the symptoms! As we all know, alcohol is a narcotic, so this will help ease the pain anyway. In addition, it has also been shown that moderate alcohol consumption can open up your cavities, in the same way that menthol does. This in turn can clear infections and thus reduce your flu!

Lots of spices

But of course it is not only the presence of alcohol in this cocktail that cures the flu. It also contains a lot of good herbs that are very useful (and tasty)! The spicy hot drink can clear your stuffy nose and the honey is good for your sore throat and stops coughing. In addition, the vitamin C in the lemon prevents mucus formation and makes it easier to breathe.

Now it is of course not the intention that you tap back five in a day, because the amount of alcohol in the drink also has disadvantages. Doctors advise a maximum of one whiskey cocktail per day, and also drink enough water during the day. Stay hydrated!

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In addition to all the positive things we have heard about this cocktail, there is unfortunately also a downside. For example, a small amount of alcohol already has a major impact on your immune system and it is not at its best with a flu. You can also suffer from nausea, headache, fatigue and a dry mouth due to the strong drink.

The doctors therefore recommend that you exchange the whiskey for a tea. Put all the other ingredients in a mug of hot water and it will have the same benefits! Get well soon!

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