Walgreens and CVS Employees Stage Walkouts Over Harsh Working Conditions and Patient Safety

by time news

Employees at major drugstore chains in the United States have gone on strike to demand improvements in working conditions that they claim endanger both themselves and the health of customers. Walkouts have taken place at Walgreens and CVS stores across the country, with similar actions already having taken place earlier in the year. Previously, staff were concerned about potential retaliation from management, but the lack of action against employees has given others the confidence to join the protests. The walkouts are expected to continue until 1 November, with a demonstration outside Walgreens’ headquarters scheduled for the final day. The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union and the Service Employees International Union-United Healthcare Workers West have both voiced their support for those taking part in the walkouts. The American Pharmacists Association has also stated its solidarity with the striking employees. Walgreens and CVS claim that the strikes have not had much impact on their operations.

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