BRENNERO. During the usual back-crossing control activities at the Brenner border aimed at combating illegal immigration and drug trafficking, the State Police agents on duty at the Brenner Public Security Police Department tracked down at the Railway Station, on board the International Train “RAIJET 85” coming from Munich and headed to Bolognathe citizen Algerian AIE aged 35, multiple offenders for crimes of various nature and severity.
During the inspection operations, the man attracted the attention of the Police due to his nervous and impatient attitude, which is why he was made to get off the train and accompanied to the Police Offices for more in-depth checks.
After a careful check, also through the comparison of fingerprints, the Police were able to find that the subject was a fugitive, as he was wanted in Germany because he had been hit by a European arrest warrant (MAE) issued by the German judicial authority of Karlsruhe for the crimes of aggravated continuous theft.
AIE, therefore, was arrested for extradition purposes and made available to the Court of Appeal of Trento, Bolzano branch.
The same, after completing the ritual formalities, was associated with the prison in Bolzano.
“International cooperation in judicial and police matters represents a particularly important aspect of the activities of the police forces – highlighted the Police Commissioner of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori –. Through, depending on the case, the Interpol, Europol and SIRE.NE Divisions of the Central Directorate of the Criminal Police, the arrest orders issued by the various Judicial Authorities throughout the world are made available to a single database and made enforceable, in compliance with the Treaties signed between the States, in order to guarantee the precautionary custody or expiation of the sentence for those who have escaped justice in the country where the crime was committed”.