wants to reform the Constitution to name his wife “co-president”

by time news

The initiative comes after the release and expulsion to the United States of 222 imprisoned opponents. Criticism rain.

While a multitude of Sandinista officials and militants took to the streets of several Nicaraguan cities to celebrate the expulsion from the country of 222 imprisoned opponents, the president Daniel Ortega presented an unusual proposal. He wants to amend the Constitution so that his wife can be “co-chair.”

The political machine of the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua mobilized its followers in a march of thousands of supporters on Saturday night, to celebrate the government’s decision to expel and send opposition politicians, activists, priests, students and journalists to the United States. accused of “treason against the fatherland”.

Ortega proposed reforming the Political Constitution to appoint his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, as “co-president of the Republic.” The proposal has already sparked controversy and a rain of criticism on social networks.

The president made the plant during an official act, in the presence of Murillo, where he spoke of the release and expulsion of 222 Nicaraguan political prisoners.

“Here is compañera Rosario Murillo, co-president of the Republic. In truth, that’s how it is: she is co-president of the Republic!” Ortega emphasized in his speech broadcast on national television.

Followers of Daniel Ortega in a march of supporters, this Saturday in Managua. Photo: REUTERS

“In the Constitution we will have to make some reforms,” ​​admitted the Sandinista president, who has ruled since 2007.

Then, he ordered the head of the National Assembly (Parliament), the Sandinista Gustavo Porras, also present at the event, “to make some reforms (to the Political Constitution) so that the principle of co-presidency is established.”

Porras, who is part of the power circle of Ortega and Murillo, did not refer to that proposal when he was interviewed on a talk show on Channel 4 of Nicaraguan television this Friday. But he did comment on a constitutional reform that seeks remove the nationality of Nicaraguans who are sentenced for crimes considered “treason”.

What does the Constitution say?

The Political Constitution of Nicaragua does not establish the legal figure or the rank of “Co-President of the Republic”, only that of Vice President of Nicaragua, a position that Rosario Murillo has held since January 2017.

According to users of social networks, it would be “very serious” amend the Constitution to name the president’s wife “co-president” by virtue of vice president, with the same power and authority as the ruler.

The Sandinistas celebrate the expulsion to the United States of 222 opponents of the Nicaraguan regime, this Saturday in Managua.  Photo: AFP

The Sandinistas celebrate the expulsion to the United States of 222 opponents of the Nicaraguan regime, this Saturday in Managua. Photo: AFP

For the exiled Nicaraguan journalist Patricia Martínez, Ortega “plays” with Nicaragua “to his liking and whim” and for this reason he wants to name his wife “co-president”.

The Political Constitution establishes in its article 144 that the Executive Power is exercised by the President of the Republic, who is head of State, head of government and supreme head of the Nicaraguan Army.

And in its article 145 it indicates that the Vice President of the Republic performs the functions indicated by the Constitution and those delegated by the President directly or through the law. And that he will replace the President in cases of temporary or permanent absence.

Nicaragua has been going through a political and social crisis since April 2018, which has worsened after the controversial general elections of November 7, 2021, in which Ortega was re-elected for a fifth term, fourth in a row and second together with his wife, Rosario Murillo. , as vice president, with her main contenders in prison or in exile.

More than 300,000 Nicaraguans have decided to leave their country in the midst of the crisis, mainly to destinations such as Costa Rica, the United States and Spain.

Source: EFE, AP and AFP


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