War, ammonia leak from the Sumy plant. “Take shelter underground”

by time news

War Russia Ukraine, ammonia in the air: “Flee to the shelters”

No respite in Ukraineindeed, the attacks intensify Russians. Another night of war in the main cities of the country. Registered a loss of ammonia in a chemical plant in the northeastern Ukrainian city of Sumy besieged by Russian troops. Sumy regional governor Dmytro Zhyvytskyy said this and did not specify what caused the loss reported to 4.30 local time in the plant Sumykhimprom. He further explained that l’areawithin a radius of five kilometers around the plant, it’s dangerous. Reuters reports. “Ammonia is lighter than air, then sheltersbasements and lower floors should be used for protection“Zhyvytsky said in a Telegram message.

According to the Sumykhimprom website, the facility produces a range of chemical fertilizers. The affected area is estimated to be within 2.5 km of the site, including the villages of Novoselytsya and Verkhnya Syrovatka. There would be no threat, according to independent Kyiv, for the residents of the city of Sumy. Although the authorities advise those within the affected area to take refuge immediately undergroundgo into them bathrooms and open the showers with one thin spray e breathe through a wet thing (preferably moistened with a 5% acetic or citric acid solution) if detected ammonia.

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