“War by 2027”. The US prophecy and the “Project 33” against China

by time news

A new strategy to counteract the Chinese. The United States Navy has published the Navigation Plan for America’s Warfighting Navya plan specifically designed to ensure that Washington’s maritime power is ready to meet the growing challenge posed by the Dragon by the 2027. The paper outlines the efforts needed to increase the Navy’s recruitment and use of advanced technologies, as well as to accelerate shipbuilding and enhance the nation’s fleet. The paper was presented by the Chief of Naval Operations of the United States Navy, Lisa Franchettiand contains seven guidelines summarized in the so-called Project 33, a concept conceived by the USA to obtain strategically significant military gains in the shortest time possible with the resources available.

Project 33 and the US Navy’s Plan

“By 2027, the Navy will be more ready for sustained combat as part of a joint and combined force, prioritizing the People’s Republic of China as decisive challenge“, reads the introduction of the report, defined by Franchetti as a “global strategic guide to make our Navy more ready”. The Project 33the heart of the entire plan, includes seven goals: eliminating maintenance delays for ships, submarines and aircraft; integrating military and robotic platforms; establishing command centers; increasing recruiting efforts; improving the quality of service; training for combat; and restoring critical infrastructure.

In other words, the new guidelines focus on enhancing the U.S. Navy’s long-term advantages, enabling it to lead the force through decades of growth. In particular, a key goal will be eliminating “over-maintenance that cannibalizes force readiness,” the paper says, with a plan to sustain an 80 percent combat increase to enable a deployment-ready posture. Achieving this will be critical for the U.S., given that China already has the world’s largest Navy.

China under special observation

The US Navy has said that by 2027 it will integrate autonomous weapons systems for routine use by commanders, along with mature capabilities for aircraft carriers and strike groups. The United States has been working across the military to develop autonomous weapons as part of the “replicator initiative” announced last year. AI-powered systems should also completely change the nature of warfare and perhaps enable Washington to counter China’s mass.

The strategy also sets the ambitious goal of achieving the 100% recruitment for the Navy’s active and reserve components, a daunting goal as the United States grapples with recruitment levels

lows across the armed forces. “The president of the People’s Republic of China has told his forces to be ready for war by 2027: we will be even more ready,” Franchetti stressed.

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