War, China chooses Putin. At the UN he voted with Russia: he took sides

by time news

War Russia-Ukraine, a world conflict signal arrives at the UN

The possibility of a ceasefire is getting further and further away Ukraineafter yesterday’s vote all’it. The war it is destined not only to continue but to involve the world. The signal launched by the China was unequivocal, he voted with the Russia and took sides, perhaps for the first time in a clear way. She was rejected to the United Nations Security Council the draft of Russian resolution on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine. Only voted in favor of the text Russia e Chinawhile all the other 13 members abstained.

“It’s really inconceivable that Russia had the audacity to present a resolution calling on the international community to resolve one crisis human being that she created by herself “, denounced the American representative, according to whom” the Russia does not care about the deterioration of the humanitarian conditionsof the millions of lives and dreams she destroyed: if she were interested, would stop Of fight“.

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