War, Pope evaluates trip to Kiev. Business Proposal: let him be the mediator

by time news

Pope Francis (Lapresse)

War Russia Ukraine, Pope Francis evaluates the trip to Kiev

Pope francesco is considering a visit to Kiev. He confirmed it all the same Pontiff on the plane flight at a time of Malta. To a reporter who asked him if he had considered an invitation to go to the Ukrainian capitalthe Pontiff he replied: “Yes, it’s on the table”


Ukraine, Pope: “Risk of an enlarged cold war”

“Precisely from Eastern Europe, from the East where the light first arises, the darkness of war has come”. The Papain his first speech to the civil authorities in Malta, he talks about the war in Ukraine. And it gives voice to all his pain and concern, warning of the risk of an “extended cold war”. “We thought that invasions of other countries, brutal street fighting and atomic threats were dark memories of a distant past. icy wind of war, which brings only death, destruction and hatred, has struck down with arrogance on the lives of many and on the days of all – says the Pontiff-. And while once again some powerful, sadly locked up in the anachronistic claims of nationalist interests, provokes and foments conflicts, – Francis observes – ordinary people feel the need to build a future that will either be together or it will not be. Now, on the night of the war that has fallen upon humanity, let us not make the dream of peace vanish “.”Malta, which shines with light in the heart of the Mediterranean, can inspire us, because it is urgent – the Pope warns – to restore beauty to the face of man, disfigured by war. A beautiful Mediterranean statue dating back centuries before Christ depicts peace, Irene, as a woman who holds Pluto, wealth in her arms. Remember that peace generates well-being and war only poverty “.” We need compassion and care, not ideological visions and populisms, – Francis warns again – which feed on hateful words and do not have life at heart concrete of the people, of the common people “. Bergoglio remembers that “more than sixty years ago, to a world threatened by destruction, where ideological contrasts and the iron logic of the alignments dictated the law, a counter-current voice rose from the Mediterranean basin, which exalted its own side prophetic leap in the name of universal fraternity. It was that of Giorgio La Pira, who said: ‘The historical situation we are experiencing, the clash of interests and ideologies that shake humanity in the throes of an incredible infantilism, give back to the Mediterranean a capital responsibility : to define again the norms of a Measure where the man left to delirium and immoderation can recognize himself. of an ‘extended cold war’ that can suffocate the life of entire peoples and generations! “.

Guerra, Pope Francis: Let us help each other to listen to the people’s thirst for peace

“That ‘infantilism’ unfortunately, – denounces Pope francesco – has not disappeared. He re-emerges forcefully in the seductions of autocracy, in the new imperialisms, in widespread aggression, in the inability to build bridges and to leave from the poorest. From here the icy wind of war begins to blow, which once again has been fueled over the years. Yes, the war has been preparing for some time with large investments and arms deals. And it is sad to see how the enthusiasm for peace, which arose after the Second World War, has faded in recent decades, as has the path of the international community, with a few powerful people who go forward on their own, in search of spaces and zones. of influence. And so not only peace, but many major issues, such as the fight against hunger and inequality, have been de facto de-classified from the main political agendas. But the solution to everyone’s crises is to take care of everyone’s, because global problems require global solutions. Let us help each other to listen to the people’s thirst for peacelet us work to lay the foundations for an ever wider dialogue, let us return to meet in international conferences for peace, where the theme of disarmament is central, with an eye to the generations to come! “.” And the huge funds that continue to be destined for armaments are converted to development, health and nutrition “, he urges, also looking at the neighbor Middle East“which is reflected in the language of this country, which harmonizes with others, as if to recall the ability of the Maltese to generate beneficial cohabitation, in a sort of conviviality of differences. The Middle East needs this: Lebanon, the Syria, Yemen and other contexts torn apart by problems and violence. Malta, the heart of the Mediterranean, may continue to beat the heartbeat of hope, care for life, welcoming others, the longing for peace, with help of God, whose name is peace “.

War, Pope Francis: “Peace for the whole world”

The Papa invokes the pace for the whole world by signing the book of honor on the occasion of the courtesy visit to President of the Republic William Vella. “Welcomed as a pilgrim a Maltaheart of the Mediterranean, which pulsates with “rare humanity”, I invoke from God wisdom and mercy for those who governunity and peace for the population and for the whole world “, wrote the Pope.

Pope: let’s protect the beauty of life, from its beginning to its end

“Let’s protect the beauty of life!”. It is the exhortation of Pope francesco during his first public address to the authorities, civil society and the diplomatic corps, in the Grand Council Chamber of the Palazzo del Grand Master in Valletta. The Pontiff he encouraged the Maltese “to continue defending life from the beginning to its natural end, but also to guard it at all times from discard and neglect”. “At the basis of solid growth there is the human person, respect for the life and dignity of every man and woman”, he said. said Francis, that in his thoughts there is also the “dignity of workers, the elderly and the sick”. “And to young people – he added -, who risk throwing away the immense good they are, chasing mirages that leave so much emptiness inside. It is what causes exasperated consumerism, closure to the needs of others and the scourge of drugs, which suffocates freedom by creating addiction. Let’s protect the beauty of life! “.

Pope Francis: short trip to Malta but it will be nice

“Good morning. Thank you very much for accompanying me on this short journey. It will be nice. Thank you very much”: so Pope francesco on the plane he greeted the journalists accompanying him a Malta on his 36th apostolic journey.

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