War, Putin does not stop with Biden: Pope Francis, if you are there, beat a beat

by time news

Born, the American president has emerged from his “greyness” by standing as the sole leader of the anti-Putin part of the world

This was needed infamous war triggered by Putin with the invasion of Ukraine by the Russia to bring back the Usa to give the linea alla mein fact a commissioner of Europe as or worse in the dark years of the “cold War” after second world war.

More than a strong unity of views, from the top Then and from the European council in Brussels yesterday, a total alignment with the line given by the president of the United States emerged Joe Biden. Biden has thus come out of him “greyness“Rising to the sole head of the part of the world anti Putin and the “crusade”, not only military and economic, of the West against Russia considered by most of the leaders in Brussels to be unbeatable: “because it can blackmail us with gas“. A little over a month ago the same summits of the EuUnlike Bidenthey did not believe that Putin operationalize his threats against Ukraine.

Then, with the arrival of Russian tanks and missiles to shed blood and terror a stone’s throw from home, the same summits in Brussels they went haywire relying on “uncle of America“, Ready for anything,” A contingency plans for any possible attack by the Russia on the territory of the Atlantic Alliance “, also ready for the” Nuclear response in extreme circumstances “, because” What is at stake is not only the defense of Ukraine but democracy in the world “.

That was it Biden picking up the hot potato is now good for everyone in Europe. Also to Italy and al premier Draghi, mostly cautious (saying for example that our country wants to exclude the energy sector from Russian sanctions), recommending to other European leaders a “gradual” approach along the lines of “selective engagement”. What is the leeway for a real negotiation today? Very narrow.

Putin bases its political line of military aggression because: “Ukraine has always belonged to Russia“. This is not only one historical dance but it is politically false as shown by 92% of Ukrainians who in 1991 voted for independence from Moscow in a historic referendum which also saw 80% of the “NO in Moscow” in the regions of Luganks e Donetsk. Even in the Donbass, the overwhelming majority refuses annexation to Russia.

The first objective, today, remains the end of the war using every useful opening for credible negotiations carried out by authoritative and super partes personalities, able to mediate. In this sense, the proposal of Business Italians for it to be Pope francesco the “Mediator” between Russia and Ukrainemaybe right in Vatican.

READ HERE THE BUSINESS PROPOSAL: Let Pope Francis mediate between Russia and Ukraine

The objective is that of an “extra” negotiation such as that of Pope francesco and the stop to war, far from obvious because Putin he has the knife on the side of the handle and cannot be obtained at any cost, that is, under Putin’s conditions. Putin he still speaks of simple “military action” when for more than a month there has been a bloodbath with the aim of the devastation of Ukraine intended by the Russian rais as a stage for expanding to the West. Putin aims at the realization of a geopolitical design of the Euro-Asian empire based on the Orthodox religion to make the Russia Christian is the “liberating” nation of the world.

The Putin’s strategic plan comes from afar and it is clear, based on an ideological, political, military, cultural and even religious project (Christianity used as an instrument of power), which aims to make Russia the world “center” of an Orthodox Christian vision, a new empire that also includes Western Europe understood as “an empty shell”, dominated by corrosive ideologies such as that of gender, a Europe to be reduced to the protectorate of its great empire “Christianly inspired “. Here he is right Biden: “We are in the midst of a battle between democracies and autocracies”. Translated it means that we are in the middle of the ford. Worse, in the darkness of a tunnel where, for now, there is no way out. Pope Francis, if you are there, knock a beat!

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