War with Hamas: Gérard Larcher traveling to Israel from December 19

by time news

2023-12-04 17:26:41

After the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, who made a trip to Israel on October 21, her counterpart in the Senate, Gérard Larcher, is preparing to take the same path. According to our information, the President of the Upper House will fly on the evening of Tuesday, December 19 to Tel Aviv and will visit the Hebrew State, at war with Hamas since the terrorist attack of October 7. The visit will last until December 22.

He invited all the Senate group presidents to accompany him. “If we can help move the situation towards a political solution, I will do so,” explains François Patriat, the head of the majority senators who confirmed his arrival. It is important vis-à-vis Israel to show France’s support, while calling for lucidity. »

This is not the first trip by French parliamentarians to Israel. Already in mid-October, a few days before Yaël Braun-Pivet, a delegation of around ten parliamentarians, including Karl Olive (Renaissance), and Pierre-Henri Dumont (Les Républicains) as well as the former Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, had traveled to the Jewish state. A trip which was organized at the time by the pro-Israeli association Elner (European Leadership network).

This organization organized another trip with fifteen deputies between November 26 and 28. And since Sunday, December 3, until Tuesday, December 5, local elected officials have been in Israel in response to an invitation from the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif). According to the provisional program, the trip will be organized around the families of hostages and displaced people. Gérard Larcher and Yaël Braun Pivet, for their part, were the authors of a column calling for a march against anti-Semitism on November 12.

#War #Hamas #Gérard #Larcher #traveling #Israel #December

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