Warm in Italy, the pediatrician: “Protecting children’s eyes and skin not only at the sea”

by time news

A new one has arrived on Italy heat wave with temperatures well above average and very young children are among the categories most at risk. “The most common mistake parents make is underestimating the heat and sunshine in the city. They are careful if they are on holidays by the sea, but less so when they take a walk in the park. While the eyes and skin must always be protected, the first with sunglasses if the child is able to wear them and the second with high-protection sun creams “. with the great heat it is Antonio D’Avinopresident of Fimp, la Italian federation of pediatricians.

Il red dot, or the level 3 alert of the Ministry of Health’s heat wave bulletin, “indicates emergency conditions with possible negative effects on the health of healthy and active people, and not only on subgroups at risk such as the elderly, children very children and people with chronic diseases “. Here, therefore, that pediatricians recommend some precautions: “It is good to increase the water intake to replenish the liquids lost through sweating and then favor a diet rich in fruit and vegetables”, recommends D’Avino.

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