Warning Letter: Government Companies in Israel Are a Strategic Resource in Times of War

by time news


Government Companies Warned of Strategic Resource Vulnerability in Times of War

Last Thursday, Tzippi Rosenbaum, an expert in national security, sent a crucial letter to Minister Amsalem, who oversees government companies. Copies of the letter were also addressed to Prime Minister Netanyahu, Finance Minister Smotrich, and Ombudsman Gali Beharve-Miara. In the letter, Rosenbaum emphasized the strategic importance of government companies, highlighting their significance in times of war.

Rosenbaum, a respected authority on national infrastructure and essential services, stressed the responsibility these companies hold for maintaining the main infrastructure of the State of Israel. Companies mentioned in the letter include the Electric Company, Mekorot, the sea ports, Israel Railways, and the defense industries, among others.

“The government companies are a strategic resource in normal times, let alone in times of war,” Rosenbaum warned. She further expressed concern about the potential vulnerability of these companies, emphasizing the need to address this issue urgently.

The letter highlighted the critical information the authorities possess regarding the current state of these companies. Rosenbaum emphasized that this information could potentially have far-reaching consequences for the security and well-being of the nation.

“It is of the utmost importance that this significant, if not critical, information be presented to the decision-makers at these very hours,” Rosenbaum implored. The urgency of the matter was underscored by the mention of the present tense in her plea, highlighting the need for immediate action.

With infrastructure and essential services playing a vital role in the functioning of the state, the potential vulnerability of government companies during wartime raises concerns about the nation’s ability to withstand adversities. The ability to sustain these services is crucial for national defense and public welfare.

It remains to be seen how the relevant authorities will respond to this warning, and whether the necessary measures will be taken to address the vulnerability of government companies in times of war. The public awaits a response from Minister Amsalem, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Finance Minister Smotrich, and Ombudsman Gali Beharve-Miara regarding their plans to safeguard these strategic resources.

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