“Warning Signs of Endometriosis: Chulabhorn Royal College Reveals Symptoms to Watch Out For”

by time news

2023-05-23 14:10:17

Warning signs of “endometriosis”

Chulabhorn Royal College reveal warning signs “Endometriosis” Campaign for women to focus on health care under the concept “Little stomachache” say it, say it

lower abdominal pain period pain It is a symptom that is so common that it makes us not aware of the risks of various diseases that may occur from the signs of abdominal pain! On May 23, Chulabhorn Royal College by Women’s Health Center Chulabhorn Hospital and medical ultrasound school Prince Chulabhorn College of Medical Sciences Therefore, a campaign for pelvic pain, say it, say it, was organized, warning signs to beware of endometriosis. in may Symptom Awareness Campaign Month “Lower Abdominal Pain” MAY is Pelvic Pain Awareness Month on the 1st floor of Chulabhorn Hospital, 400 beds

At the event, there was a service for assessing symptoms, screening risks with the method of ultrasound of the lower abdomen from a team of personnel of the medical ultrasound school. Prince Chulabhorn College of Medical Sciences, led by a team led by Assistant Professor Dr. Surachet Siripongsakul, Director of the Medical Ultrasound School ready to receive consultations with specialist doctors of Chulabhorn Hospital without charge to 40 women with lower abdominal pain

For the discussion session to educate: Endometrial hyperplasia #pelvic pain, say it, say it by Asst. Head of the Center for Women’s Health Chulabhorn Hospital said that endometriosis It is a condition in which endometrial cells grow outside the uterine cavity. which is the cause of other diseases which can infiltrate in many organs such as

  • in the wall or muscle of the uterus
  • peritoneum
  • ovary
  • intestinal wall
  • bladder wall
  • may spread to distant organs such as the lungs

when the lining grows in the wrong place This results in dark red or dark, chocolate-like blood trapped in the organs. It is the main cause of various abnormal symptoms, especially abdominal pain that is common in patients with this disease. The most common locations found in the pelvic area are the ovaries, fallopian tubes, the anterior, posterior and lateral peritoneum. Including nearby organs such as the bladder and colon. It can also be found in the ureter, small intestine, lungs, brain and skin. Or surgical wounds found in about 1 in 10 women of childbearing age and may be as high as 5 in 10 of women of childbearing age with menstrual pain.

Endometriosis risk group Often associated with menstruation

Prof. Dr. Nuttawut revealed that endometrial disease grows in the wrong place. May put patients at risk for other diseases such as chocolate cysts. Or may cause tumors. It is also the cause of menstrual pain. resulting in deteriorating quality of life by risk group Often associated with menstruation, such as

  1. Women who started their first menstruation before their peers
  2. Women who enter menopause or menopause later than usual
  3. Women who have heavy menstrual periods and last several days
  4. Women whose menstrual cycles are frequent or the distance between each menstrual cycle is short.
  5. woman with mother A sister or sister has this disease.
  6. A woman who had her first child at an early age It will have a higher risk of this disease.
  7. Risk groups also cover infertile women.

In terms of behavior, it was also found that High alcohol and coffee consumption is associated with a higher risk of endometriosis. There are both symptomatic and subclinical forms of the disease.

What symptoms are suspected of having endometriosis?

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nuttawut said that when abnormal symptoms associated with menstruation were found, there was a chance to take risks. Including lower abdominal pain, including

  • menstrual pain which is the most common symptom that comes to see a doctor Pain is usually brought up 2-3 days before the menstrual period. During the menstrual period, the pain will increase and become more intense in the following months.
  • Abdominal pain during sex The nature of the pain is a deep pain in the vagina during intercourse.
  • Chronic lower abdominal pain for more than 6 months

For women who are difficult to have children palpated and found a lump in the lower abdomen abnormal bleeding from the vagina can be at risk for this disease Minor cases may have other symptoms related to the location of the disease, such as having the disease in the bladder. There may be pain when urinating. Increased urination or blood in your urine during your period If there is a disease at the end of the large intestine, it may be difficult to pass. Pain when defecation or passing blood especially during the period Some people cough up blood during their periods. due to endometrial growth in the lungs and would like to emphasize that women have an annual internal examination every year, and women who have never had sex before fear of internal examination The doctor will not use the instrument unnecessarily. If there is no doubt, there is no risk. and may use an ultrasound to look at the abdomen instead

sideDr. Kanyuta Nakplad, Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist and reproductive medicine Women’s Health Center Chulabhorn Hospital It added that endometriosis could cause infertility problems. This is because the disease often causes pelvic fibrosis. In some cases, it is so much that it causes obstruction of the fallopian tubes on both sides, making it impossible to have children naturally. May need to be treated by surgery. Or must use technology to assist in reproduction, such as in vitro fertilization

“In the group of people with infertility Found to be associated with endometrial disease 40-50% because it will cause the structure of the reproductive organs to malfunction. compared to people without the disease The fallopian tubes are clogged and the quality of the ovaries is reduced. Therefore, this group of people should consult a doctor to plan a pregnancy. Endometriosis is a disease that cannot be cured by the nature of the disease. But it will get better when entering menopause because menopause does not have female hormones (estrogen) to stimulate the disease again. As for the purpose of current treatment Is to relieve the symptoms of this disease. By focusing mainly on symptomatic treatment,” said Dr. Katanyuta.

Treatment can be divided into three main methods:

  1. drug treatment It uses drugs that contain the hormone progesterone. (Progesterone)
  2. Surgical treatment, for example, found a 4-5 cm. chocolate cyst.
  3. Combined treatment during medication and surgery

At present, there is no effective way to prevent this disease. If you have suspected symptoms of this disease especially menstrual pain or pain in the lower abdomen Should consult a obstetrician-gynecologist in order to receive early diagnosis and treatment for further treatment planning.

while Ms. Sakuntala Tienphairot or Tonhom, a young actress who joins in sending campaign messages in the Stomach Pain Campaign, Speak, Speak Discussing his experience with abdominal pain, At that time, there was frequent bleeding and severe stomach pain. When abnormal signs are found, consult a doctor. then detect a cyst or a cyst cause of bleeding Therefore, hormonal drugs must be taken. the symptoms improved Therefore, I would like all women not to be embarrassed to see a doctor. If known and treated early, it can help from severe to light. According to the Stomach Abdominal Stomach Campaign, say it, say it, if you have any abnormalities, you can consult a doctor. Even if there are no abnormal symptoms, it should be checked regularly.

Read related news : Teenagers, working people…frequent menstrual cramps, beware of ‘endometriosis’

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