Was she raped and murdered by a guy? The Emanuela Orlandi case took a turn towards the family track

by time news

2023-07-12 20:04:17

Four decades after the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandia teenager who lived in the Vatican, the investigators of this enigmatic case contemplate the possibility that she was the victim of a family tragedy: The Italian authorities are investigating the possible involvement of an uncle in the disappearance of the young woman who disappeared 40 years ago.

Orlandi, the 15-year-old daughter of a Vatican employeewas last seen leaving a music class in Rome on June 22, 1983. Her disappearance was linked to everything from a mob kidnapping to an attempt on the life of Pope John Paul II to a financial scandal involving the Vatican bank.

Emanuela Orlandi, the 15-year-old daughter of a Vatican employee, was last seen leaving a music class in Rome on June 22, 1983.

The identikit of the man who was seen with Emanuela Orlandi on June 22, 1983, the day of her disappearance, resembles that of his uncle, Mario Meneguzzi.

Terrorists, gangsters and the Vatican clergy: the main hypotheses about the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi

Since then, the case, which gave rise to a series in Netflix, generated multiple theses, never proven, and continues to fascinate Italians on the background of conspiracy theories involving the secret services, the mafia, the high Vatican authorities and Freemasonry. And now, An investigation by the television channel L7 opened a new track, suggesting that it could be a family crime.

According to La7, the Vatican prosecutor recently delivered to his Roman counterpart an epistolary exchange that occurred in September 1983, three months after the girl’s disappearance, between Secretary of State Agostino Casaroli, number two in the Vatican, and a priest who had served as spiritual advisor to the Orlandi family.

With this letter Casaroli was looking for confirmation that Natalina, Emanuela’s older sister, had been the victim of sexual abuse by her uncle Mario Meneguzzi, now deceased.. The confessor acknowledged that the girl had told him the facts. The girl was forbidden to talk about it on pain of losing her job in the cafeteria of the Chamber of Deputies, run by her uncle.

The investigators already knew these facts since they were confirmed by Natalina Orlandi herself, according to La7. The possible lead was revealed after the Holy See handed over its case files to the Rome court in June, saying they included “some lines of inquiry worthy of further investigation.”

The strange case of Mirella, another 15-year-old girl who disappeared in Rome days before Emanuela Orlandi

Emanuela’s uncle, Mario Meneguzzi, had contacts with the internal security services Back then, he responded to several anonymous calls received by the Orlandi family and avoided an investigation without authorities knowing how. The identikit of the man who was seen with Emanuela Orlandi on June 22, 1983, the day she disappeared, resembles that of her uncle.

Meneguzzi managed to get the secret service to pay for a lawyer for the family, La 7 added. During the first brief investigation into him, the service also warned him that the police were following him, he said. Meneguzzi told investigators at the time that he was out of Rome the day the teenager disappeared, in the town of Torano, along with several relatives, including Emanuela’s father, Ercole.

The investigative journalist Corriere della SeraFabrizio Peronaci, said on Tuesday that he also discovered information that the kidnappers had insisted from the beginning that Meneguzzi be their point person for the ransom negotiations.

Emanuela’s brother, Pietro, her sister Natalina and their lawyer, Laura Segro, who pressured the Vatican and the Rome prosecutor’s office to reopen the case in 2023, do not believe this clue: “There was no rape. The facts date back to 1978. My uncle tried to seduce me” but things did not go any further after it was rejected, Natalina Orlandi assured during a press conference.

for his part Pietro Orlandi recalled that his uncle’s alibi, on vacation in Fiumicino, far from Rome, at the time of the events, was established and verified. She told the time.news news agency: “They can’t put everything in the family. I’m furious,” he said, adding that the authorities had “crossed the line” by blaming his uncle. He further assured that “the Vatican seeks to reject any form of responsibility“.

Buried in Sant’Angelo? They believe that the remains of Emanuela Orlandi are in a Roman castle

The clues to the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi

In July 2019, the tombs of two German princesses in the Vatican’s Teutonic Cemetery, opened in search of Orlandi’s body, were found empty. Only a few months earlier, prosecutors in Rome had established that the bones found in an annex of the Vatican nunciature in Italy did not belong to Orlandi or another girl, Mirella Gregori, who disappeared a month before Orlandi disappeared.

The twists and turns of the case were documented in a 2022 Netflix TV series, called “The Girl from the Vatican,” though it did not focus on Meneguzzi. In the documentary, a friend claimed that the teenager confided in him the week before her disappearance that she had been harassed in the Vatican gardens by a figure close to Pope John Paul II. Another frequently repeated hypothesis is that she was kidnapped to force the release from prison of Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turk who tried to assassinate the Pope in 1981.


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