Wassulu International Festival (FIWA): 410,000 festival-goers expected for the 6th edition

by time news

Within the framework of the organization of the 6th edition of the International Festival of Wassulu (FIWA), the president of the commission of organization, Oumou Sangaré, animated, on February 27, in the buildings of the Residence Wassoulou, a conference of press to announce the launch of FIWA 2023 to be held from March 3 to 5 in Yanfolila.

According to the speaker, for this edition, more than 410,000 festival-goers are expected during the three days of the festival. And to add that the FIWA is a real development project for the development of the culture of Wassulu. Because, it allows to create economic activities for the young people of the locality; therefore the festival is a real means of revitalizing the life of the locality by creating jobs (direct and indirect) to popularize the culture of Wassulu at the national and international level. The theme this year is: “Mali in all its diversity”.

According to the speaker, the FIWA aims in particular to develop local life in Wassulu through the creation of activities and jobs in the entertainment, communication and tourism sectors; introduce Wassulu to the general public in Mali through FIWA; develop its tourism potential; fight against rural exodus and emigration; highlight the culture of Wassulu; work for national cohesion, peace and reconciliation of communities; fight extremism, manipulation of minds and jihadism by bringing culture to an outlying region.

Regarding funding issues, the speaker suggested that the festival is funded mostly by herself and her friends. “The FIWA is also a framework for the development of cultural infrastructure in the historic capital of Wassulu, like the entire region of Sikasso and the whole of Mali. We can note some key actions already initiated by the FIWA, in particular with the FAFPA under the aegis of the Ministry of Employment, which has enabled the creation of a professional training institute around the professions of culture, tourism and catering” , she added.

Following her, the godmother of the 6th edition of FIWA and no less president of the Solidarity Women Association from here and elsewhere (ASFIA), Fatouma M’Barka Mint Hamoudy, thanked the Diva du wassoulou for the renewed confidence to his modest person. “It is a duty for me to support the FIWA project. Because any cultural promotion initiative is a personal struggle for me, especially coming from a great lady who has almost become a cultural library in African music. Music softens the heart, reconciles minds and teaches societal values; it must be sustained; hence my presence this morning next to our dear cultural ambassador to show her my unwavering commitment by her side in all places and all circumstances”she said.

Boubacar PAITAO

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