Watch: 600 Frankfurt fans arrived in Naples

by time news

Napoli hopes to complete the job tonight (Wednesday) and qualify for the quarterfinals of the Champions League. The proud Serie A leader will host Frankfurt for the round of 16 rematch with a 0:2 advantage from the first match held in Germany. However, the concern in the Naples police that the game may not be the main story.

In Italy, there have been reports since the morning about a tense atmosphere in the southern city following the arrival of about 600 Frankfurt fans without a ticket. As mentioned, the Italian team forbade the residents of the German city to purchase a ticket for the game and therefore, there will be no German fans in the Diego Maradona stands.

About 800 police and security forces who run around the narrow streets of Naples are entrusted with the order. The Frankfurt Ultras fans have already held marches in the city and in Italy hope that the violent events that occurred between the teams’ fans in the previous game will not be repeated this time.

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