Watch .. “Al-Shehri” reveals a drink of 3 ingredients available in every home that lowers “blood pressure”

by time news

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The family doctor, Dr. Saud Al-Shehri, revealed this evening, Monday, a three-ingredient drink that is available in every home and is cheap to reduce “blood pressure.”

In a video clip posted on his Twitter account, Al-Shehri explained that the drink is made of “ginger, lemon, and mint.” However, his speech should not be abandoned.

He pointed out that “ginger combats the possibility of developing pressure, and its effect is similar to the effect of two types of pressure medications. It prevents calcium from entering the heart muscles, and thus does not shrink and the pressure becomes controlled.”

Al-Shehri added, “Lemon is rich in citric acid, which lowers pressure, and mint is rich in menthol,” stressing that the drink lowers cholesterol, maintains healthy blood vessels, and is rich in antioxidants.

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