Watch the cup, on the face the signs of those who abuse coffee: how to recognize them

by time news

Caffeine, what effects does it have on health and vision? Not only beneficial if consumed in excess

For many of us, the morning doesn’t start without a cup of coffee. To give us the charge is the caffeine, a substance that we also find in many other foods such as tea, chocolate, energy drink and Coca Cola. His benefits I’m multiple: lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes, protects against Alzheimer’s and dementia, and even helps burn fat.

Although it is a valuable health ally, caffeine can cause it various problems if we consume too much.

Lenstore analyzed the possibilities short and long-term symptoms, such as blurred vision, body aches and insomnia. Furthermore, it reveals us the ranking of the most caffeinated cities based on the consumption of coffee and the cost of a cup at the bar.

What happens if we drink too much coffee?

A healthy adult should consume no more than 400 mg of caffeine per day, which is nearly four cups of coffee.

In Italy, the average per capita consumption of coffee is 3.7 kg. So what are the risks we run if we don’t change our habits?

● Anxiety
Caffeine stimulates the production of adrenaline, the hormone behind the fight or flight reaction. Consuming excessively intensifies these effects, causing nervousness, anxiety and tension. It has also been shown to increase stress levels regardless of the dose ingested.

● Insomnia
If you love coffee, remember not to drink it before going to sleep. Caffeine, in fact, alters sleep cycles and prevents you from resting well (according to various researches it can remain in circulation for up to nine hours). Insomnia can cause many vision problems, such as dry eyes. To alleviate it, use moisturizing eye drops and avoid wearing contact lenses as much as possible.

● Migraine
Did you know that caffeine can both cause and cure migraines? This is supported by a survey conducted in the United Kingdom: 22% of respondents replied that they have a headache after taking caffeine, while 43% said the opposite. How is it possible? This substance narrows the blood vessels around the brain, reducing inflammation and thus bringing relief. Not surprisingly, it is present in many over-the-counter pain relievers.

However, it is this same mechanism that can cause migraines. In fact, when you don’t take caffeine for some time, your blood vessels expand again and the pain returns.

● Dizziness and lightheadedness
Like other stimulants (tobacco, for example), caffeine also reduces the blood supply to the brain, and abusing it can make you dizzy and lightheaded.

● Muscle tremors
Too much caffeine can also cause various types of spasms, such as tremors in the eyelids or hands. Often these are just passing sensations, but sometimes they can mean that it is appropriate to reduce the consumption of coffee.

● Blood hypertension
Caffeine does not appear to affect heart disease risk, but it does increase blood pressure according to several studies. That’s why you need to be careful about how much you take if you already have high blood pressure – if you abuse it, you may have a higher risk of heart attack or stroke.

● Hypertension and sight
High blood pressure can damage the tiny blood vessels that carry blood to the eyes. Retinopathy is a possible complication that affects the retina and can lead to blurred vision, eye bleeding, and even blindness. Hypertension is also responsible for various problems with the nervous system, which plays an important role in eye health. An example is choroidopathy, a disease that causes fluid to accumulate in the retina, compromising vision.

Various studies also show a correlation between excessive daily caffeine consumption and the risk of glaucoma for those with a genetic predisposition to high eye pressure. Symptoms of glaucoma are pain and redness in the eyes, seeing rings around a light source, and blurred vision. If left untreated, it can lead to blindness.

● Confusion and hallucinations
Irritability, anger, confusion: Caffeine can trigger a variety of strong emotions, even if it is not consumed for some time. Reactions range from difficulty concentrating to depression. If you notice that your mental health is affected, talk to your doctor.

In addition, excessive coffee consumption can raise stress levels (and therefore those of adrenaline) causing confusion or even hallucinations. On the other hand, caffeine withdrawal can often cause mental fog. If you have ever had these problems, it means that you need to start reducing your consumption of this substance.

● Blurred vision
Excessive consumption of caffeine can cause a sudden rise in blood sugar levels. Possible consequences are blurred vision, eye twitching, and potentially a burning or tingling sensation in the eye area.


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