Watch | With Torches: Demonstrators against the government are marching in Tel Aviv

by time news


Demonstrators in a protest against the reforms in the justice system that is taking place this evening (Saturday) in the Hamima Square in Tel Aviv marched on the roads holding torches and chanting slogans against the government.

Earlier, retired Supreme Court judge and president of the Movement for the Quality of Government, Judge Ila Proccia, spoke during the demonstration.

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“Something very deep has broken in our sacred covenant,” Proccia said. “In the framework rules agreed upon throughout the years of the state. We are at the beginning of a new era in which there is a new definition of democracy – not a value democracy but a truncated democracy that relies entirely on the “will of the voter”, which no longer gives any weight to other basic democratic values.”

“We cannot accept as a liberal society the destruction of the value foundations of our system,” said the retired judge. “We will fight with all the legal means at our disposal to block the dizzying retreat “light years” backwards in the perception of the relationship between the government and the citizen. We will fight as individuals, as groups and as a broad public for the value image of our country.”

“We are at a moment of fateful testing for the future of the values ​​of the State of Israel. With joint forces, and by legal means, we will do everything to protect our values ​​in this land, so that we have a country that is not only strong and wise, but also a good and beautiful country.”

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