water banned in Bassano in Teverina (due to too much aluminum) and in Soriano

by time news

Tuscia continues to be thirsty. This 2024 summer will be remembered as one of the most difficult for the population in terms of water supply. In addition to the drought that has caused the water table to drop almost everywhere, the scorching temperatures have increased consumption, also due to improper uses that the Municipalities are having difficulty counteracting. Then there are the failures of a water network with over 40% dispersion and mother nature: between arsenic, fluorides and now even aluminum, the storm is perfect.

“The water has uncommon opalescence characteristics”. This is the latest case: in Bassano in Teverina these days the water coming out of the tap is not as transparent as it should be. Informed of the incident, the mayor Alessandro Romoli issued an order on August 13th stating that it was not drinkable, establishing that it could only be used for cleaning the house, the operation of technological systems and personal hygiene. In the meantime, “the first water samples were taken from the well, from the tank in Campo della Fiera and from a public fountain in Piazza della Libertà”.
In the provision, the mayor invites the population, while waiting for the results of the tests, to “organize themselves in order to overcome this difficult moment by using mineral water to carry out household chores, such as cooking, food preparation, dental hygiene and dishwashing for approximately the next 12 days”.

The cause of the opalescence? It was discovered within a few hours: aluminum, which is naturally present in water, but in the case of Bassano has excessively high levels. The reason? “The combined effect of the heavy use of the source in via della Torre with the excessive drought that is causing much more serious problems in the municipalities of Tuscia,” Romoli later states in an update to the population. Since no “elements harmful to health” were found, the mayor has however modified the ordinance, extending its use to washing dishes and food products. The ban on drinking or food use remains.

New ASL analyses on Monday.
Not far away, the emergency is the lack of water. In Soriano nel Cimino, where only the tankers that feed the network have avoided running dry, on August 14 Talete completed the hydraulic and electrical connection work for the new well called Sant’Antonio. In practice, a new source of supply that will be connected to the Ciliano reservoir, necessary to make up for the drastic reduction in the water flow of the Vasuccino spring. However, the ASL analyses are missing to certify that the water is ok for human consumption (Talete’s are already ready). Therefore, in the meantime, “as a preventive and precautionary measure – explains the Municipality – we have issued an ordinance for the prohibition of human consumption of water” in the areas of the town connected to the Ciliano reservoir. Talete has been asked to send additional tankers.


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